You're not wrong in feeling this way. It sounds like he has no respect or appreciation for you. You should have a talk with him and be very blunt and straightforward. No apologizing. He helped you make them so he needs to step up and be a father. Tell him exactly what you want him to do and help with and if he can't then tell him there is no point staying together. If he only wants to be financial support for his kids then there really is no point in staying. If you need to bide some time so you can finish school to be better off then by all means do so. You're basically a single parent now and it's not going to be any different if you leave...other than you might need to work. You need to do what you can to be happy. You and your children deserve to be in a peaceful and happy environment. I'm very sorry to hear that you were SA when little. I have also been there and I also worry about the same thing with my LO. We protect our LO the best we can. Your a great Mom 🩷
I just wanted to say.. do not feel bad for yelling at your daughter. You did it out of frustration and exhaustion - and not as a mother who who just yells at their child all the time. Don't feel bad... most of us have been there. What you can do... find some side hustles that you can do from home. My husband makes great money, and I'm a sahm, but i pay for most of the toys, clothing, and other little things myself (by choice). I just do side hustles from home, and i have my own money from it. It's hard to leave with zero money... but use this as a motivation to save up some money, or go back to school.
You’re burnt out ! Being a sahm is a full time mental job . You need to keep calm . Theirs mom guilt if you raise your voice .. etc I understand bc I’m a sahm to and sometimes my husband doesn’t help me I have a 5 and 3 yr old and I’m currently pregnant. My husband showers and then goes to bed or he’s on his damn phone ! Sometimes I feel like I have load . It’s too much for me . We sahm need help and alone time to readjust.
Your not wrong you should talk to him about it and if he doesn’t listen then you should do what’s best for you if you ain’t happy in the relationship It’s two to make a baby he should start helping around if you want someone to rant to just message me x