I am going to follow this! My little girl turned 7 months on the 24th & she takes 3 naps. The first nap can be anywhere btwn 1 1/2-2 hrs in the morning & then 2 naps after that for around 45 mins each before bed. With about 2-3 hr wake windows! Idk if I’m doing this right!! Ugh! First time mom here!
most of the time (contact napper here) it’s 30-1 hour naps and it’s 2-3 times a day if we’re only at home
Usually 2 (maybe 3) times a day for like 30 minutes to hour an a half
I dropped my son’s 3rd nap like 2-3 weeks ago because he started fighting it and has always been a low sleep needs baby. No more night wakings really since we dropped it apart from intense teething days. My son has never been a great napper and sometimes will surprise me with a cat nap - 35 min nap - after his first wake window and I played around with wake window times. He will then make up for it during his second nap and sleep for 1.5 hours. On a good day, he will sleep for two 1.25-1.5 hour naps. RARELY will he sleep for 2 hours for a nap. Those are unicorns 💔 just grateful he crashes at night for the most part once he gets his false starts out of the way some nights 🙄🙏🏼
Mine barely naps at all she sleeps for 15mins maybe 2/3x a day 🙃
Depending on what time and how long the naps are, he will have two or three naps. His wake windows are about 2-3 hours. Sometimes morning naps are and hour to hour and half, then afternoon maybe an hour or vise versa, and if he wakes up before 2.30/3pm he will take a third 30 min nap and then down for bed. I had taken the third nap away and he was going down at 7pm but I think now it might have been too soon, I think he still needs the third nap and go down between 7.30/8pm
My 7.5 month old twins take 2 naps. One in the morning around 9 for about 2 hours. Then in the afternoon around 1 or so for about an hour. They also go to bed at 5:30-6pm though. I try to get them to stay up a little later and they just won’t. And they don’t sleep through the night 😩
About 2-3 naps a day for 30 minutes each if we're lucky! I don't ever force them--I go with her flow.
2 naps usually! one in the late morning that’s at most 1.5 hours, one after lunch that’s 1.5 hours. depending on how late that last nap is, he’ll get tired again at 4/5 and unfortunately takes a third nap but i wake him up by 6:30 and then try to put him back to bed at 8:30ish. when he takes 3, it messes up our schedule so bad 🥲
3 naps, pretty consistent 2 hour wake windows but we adjust up or down depending on his needs and what we have going on that day. 1st nap is usually only 30-45 minutes, 2nd 1.5-2 hours, 3rd 1 hour. Down for the night between 7-8pm and up at 7-8am with 1-2 feeds, usually 1 though between 3&5am
I track w/ Huckleberry app since my baby was colicky. She takes 2-3 naps w/ about 2-3 hr wake windows. The app is now pushing it to 3 hrs up. But I’ve recently been dropping the last nap as it gets to close to her bedtime, so in that case I put her down early by 7pm
We take 3 naps 1 hr in the morning 3 hr in the afternoon and then another hour before bed
My daughter takes to 45-60 minute naps a day
2 naps! 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon both usually an hour with bedtime around 7-8 and she sleeps through the night.
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
2 naps, 45 min-2hr
We nap about twice a day now, first nap is usually 45 minutes and second nap is anywhere from an hour to two hours
My baby just turned 7 months on the 30th and he takes 3 naps. The past few days his last nap runs really late like 4:30/5 which pushes his bedtime and he usually wakes up very cranky. I tried to push his wake windows to try to only do 2 naps but then he gets overtired and takes short naps 😭
Depends. Sometimes my twins take really good naps or they take really bad naps. Some days they will take two 2 hr naps and sometimes we take 3 half hour naps