current weight?

is anyone’s babies around 20-21 lbs right now or is my 14 month old tiny??
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18 pounds here! But feels like 50 since she keeps getting taller 😭

Mine is! On the smaller side, weight-wise, but perfectly healthy. :)

@Chrissy my son is 31.1 inch’s tall lol

19lbs here and 29 inches tall. I call my son a wet chicken when he gets a bath. Perfectly healthy. Some babies are just built small

Mine is. I think that's still in the 30-40th percentile, so nothing wrong with that

My 14 month old is about 20-22 lbs :)

My sons around that weight his doctor knows how he eats and says that he’s fine. Depending the brand he still fits into clothes for 6-9 months then sometimes 18 months just fits so I’ve saved a bit of money on clothes at least

@Bella we just had a growth spurt so I can't wait for that measurement. But lord she's half my height now and still dead weight to carry 😭🤣

17.5 over here but mamas 4’7 so…

Mine are about 21-22 mine are tall (98%) and never really got chunky. And they eat like they are always starving 😅

My daughter is about 20 pounds and about to be 15 months on the 12th

Every baby is different, my son last weighed was 27lbs

My baby girl was 6.5lbs and 20 inches at birth now at almost 15 months in a few days she’s about 21lbs and 35-36inches

My almost two year old is only 23 pounds.

17lbs here!

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17.5lbs over here. She’s struggling to gain weight but eats just about everything you offer her.

My almost 15 month old weighs 22-23! So we are pretty spot on

My baby is 33 pounds

Went to the doctor yesterday and my little girl is 18 lbs and 28" but I expect her to be small. I'm 5'2 and dad is 5'4

My son is 15 mnths and last weight was 26lbs and like…. 31 in

20 lbs here

My LO just turned 15 months on the third and today we had our check up and she weighs 21.5lbs the dr said she’s doing great and is healthy she still fits into 12 month clothes… it’s not a bad thing either

My lo is 15 months 31in and 34in last we checked. My son wears 2t/3t clothing 😭

@Stephanie mine is 21lb and around 28 inches but I am 5’11” and dad 6’1” 🤣 the only thing big is her head (97%) we both have big heads also. Every baby is different

15 month Big Boy weigh 24.6Lbs 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

My 14 month old is 19ish lbs I would say. He eats a lot though. Haha

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