Literally no and don’t allow people to treat you that way???
Omg that’s awful! I’m not a fan of my mil either! Stand up for yourself like you did! Keep doing it! You’re no longer just standing up for yourself, you’re standing up for your baby in a way. Proud of you
You’re not the asshole. I couldn’t imagine screaming at a new mom one-day-postpartum about ANYTHING. If your significant other refused to sign your baby’s birth certificate, then that’s on him and he shouldn’t have thrown you under the bus like that. Y’all are supposed to be partners, and he should have taken up for you
I’ve had a similar experience with my first born. Do what’s best for your & baby. Talk to her on your own timing. You did no wrong at all! He didn’t wanna be on her birth certificate, so why not give her YOUR last name? Continue to rest & be the best you for yourself & baby. Don’t overthink or stress about it. You did NO wrong.
Firstly no. NTA at all, obviously. But also how come your bf didn’t want to sign your baby’s birth certificate?? How did that make you feel??
His reasoning for not wanting to sign the birth certificate was “incase I ever wanted to get on cash assistance through the state or put him on child support” which is quite frankly bs because I’ve never been without a job, car, and money of my own in my life & he knows this, even prior to our relationship we were friends for 4 years. And honestly it made me feel just as shitty as he felt about the baby not having his last name but I didn’t throw him under the bus in front of my entire family. 🤦🏽♀️
Should've thrown him under the bus.
He's disgusting, and so his is momma. How dare he not want to be on the birth certificate (especially for such a dumb reason) but demand your baby has his last name. His momma would have gotten cussed out if she was yelling in my face one day post-partum. The fact that you were able to withstand that proves you're not the asshole. Does his family know he refused to sign the birth certificate? If not, I would tell them that immediately.
His family does know he refused to sign her birth certificate they don’t seem to think that’s relevant , some of his family was understanding and said they don’t care about her name, while some said the last name thing hurt his feelings and that’s it’s important to a guy especially with his first child but fail to realize it’s my first child as well and him being on her birth certificate was equally important to me.
RE: the last name That was so immature of your SO and his mom. It’s up to you if you don’t speak up in the moment if this comes up again but it’s understandable that you couldn’t in this case being one day PP and all. You could sit down both your SO and his mom and set clear boundaries about how visits are to go and how you’re to be spoken to if the mom doesn’t agree with something. It’s possible your SO wants his cake and eat it too by not wanting to give your baby his last name and then be dramatic about it in front of others. He may do again. Did he not tell you before the baby was born that he didn’t want to give his last name? His reasons sound like he’d thought about. That would have been nice of him to tell you beforehand so your first days with your baby weren’t clouded by this. So sorry that your first few days with your little one were filled with drama 😔
I actually find his actions and reasoning even more alarming than MIL and think you have some serious issues with him you need to address. What the hell is he doing, not signing his own baby’s certificate that she will have for life? Dad why didn’t you sign my birth certificate? Because I didn’t want to do my duty and look after you no matter what? And what the hell is him throwing you under the bus about? Also he’s dumb because there is no requirement for a birth certificate to be signed to be paying child support
NTA. Your boyfriend is an arsehole, surely he knows that would upset his family and start an argument which you do not need 1 day PP. Tbh if my MIL treated me like that I would never be talking to her again.
I wouldn't let her in with those 9 people. Wth. And wtf with all she said. I wish your partner pushed her out of your home. Noone is allowed to takk to you like that for any reasons. Not in your home. Not when you just give birth. She sound like a nightmare
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On the day your baby was born he told you he was planning to avoid his responsibilities if you ever put him on child support by not signing her birth certificate. That’s wild behavior. The whole family sounds like assholes.
The thing is you can still get child support because the court orders a dna test and makes you pay if you refuse to take it. He doesn’t deserve his last name to be honored if he doesn’t care enough about his child to put his 50% of the responsibility in as well financially and emotionally and honestly I would write all of that down for his family to read after he did that to you
He’s basically told you he doesn’t want to have to provide for his child, that is WILD. And a huge red flag. He should WANT to provide for his daughter, regardless if whether you two are together or not. If he doesn’t sign it, he can’t expect her to have his last name. You don’t get to pick and choose which parts of parenting you want to do. You’re either in or you’re out. To let his mum scream at the mother of his child, at any point, let alone one day PP. another huge red flag. Not meaning to be dramatic but you’re going to have serious on going issues with him and his family if that’s how he lets them treat you.
She was the one who lashed out of control at you and you just delivered and was rude so She is the A$hole 😂
All other red flags aside… he should’ve stood up for you. He’s the one that didn’t want to sign it and he should’ve taken the grief from his mom. You’re postpartum and you need people who bring you peace right now, not the opposite. That whole family is the @$hole, not you
Well tell her that he didn't want to sign it so if she should be mad someone she should be mad at her son. And she need to realize that you just had and baby. And instead of jumping the guns on you she should ask questions and not just blame you
Any updates?
Eventually she just showed back up at my house again 2 weeks after the situation and apologized to me and then started telling me where I can go to change my baby’s name which I’m not sure who gave her the idea that I would be doing that but I’m not . & then she went right back to talking about how much the baby looks like her father , which she genuinely does , another reason why her behavior was just weird and uncalled for . I told her I never invalidate her son’s feelings but my daughter has two parents and my feelings matter too. I also told her that I only want happiness and positivity around my daughter. Honestly I’m just trying to let the situation go and ease past it but seeing that the first day home with the baby went as such, I’m sure I will have my fair share of posts in this group unfortunately 😭 stay tuned
You were in the right it’s your child and your rules come first not to mention since he didn’t sign the birth certificate then you have the right to give her ur last name. He shouldn’t have made a big deal out of it and ur mil needs to apologize and let your breath you just had a baby and having a newborn while ur body is healing and still in pain can be stressful.