Sending LO to nursery early

Hi all, just wondering has anyone had to send their baby to nursery a lot earlier than they want to? My bub is 2 months and unfortunately I am not entitled to maternity pay from the government or my employer so will have to return to work earlier than expected. He will be starting nursery next week and I’m heartbroken. He will only be there one day a week to begin with. I feel like I’m neglecting him by sending him so early and I’m so worried about all the sickness he will pick up being so small 😢
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Mine went in at 8 weeks as Centrelink fucked my mat payment (I never received it) and had to go back to work, and little nerve wracking, but I do work at the centre so I was okay, but if there are parents worried you’re more than welcome to request that the staff call you to update you and you’d be more than welcome to call up

Apparently when they are small they don't pick up as much sickness as they are not able to pick things up and put them in their mouths, and they not crawling and playing with other babies yet. So most likely will sleep most of the day or be held by the educators. My sons 11 months and he has 8 other babies in his class around the same ages and they literally are always getting sick because they share food and teething toys and water bottles when the educators aren't looking 🙄

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