Sex after birth

I gave birth 5 days ago ...and I didn't rip or tear ... I only had to push for 6 minutes and he came right out ... But I can't help but to want to have sex with my partner...I don't think I can wait the 6 full weeks ... Did anyone here have sex before the full 6 weeks ...if so how did u stay safe from infection and did it hurt
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Wait the 6 weeks. It’s going to be extremely uncomfortable and can even be painful at 6 weeks..

Unless you like hospitals, wait the 6 weeks. I want my man so bad rn so I get it. But literally wait the 6 weeks. You have a dinner plate sized wound in your uterus.

@Kayla as someone that’s been through this before it’s painful and extremely uncomfortable even at 6 wks pp… it doesn’t matter if delivery was easy and no tearing… having something inside you after you just had a baby is not the greatest idea and can land you in the hospital… yes it’s your body but there are so many risks… including injury. Not just infection and pregnancy this soon after birth.

It takes six weeks for your cervix to close, so there is risk of infection in your placenta wound

Personally I don’t know but my mom has horror stories. And all her births were totally fine and no tearing I don’t think it’s worth it. If you don’t wanna wait 6 weeks maybe at least 4 weeks. Right now it is way too soon

You need to wait the 6 weeks because of possible infections even if you had no tearing. When the placenta breaks away that area is a wound and you need to wait for it to heal, that's why you're not meant to have baths or put tampons in either since it can increase the chance of a bad infection. There are other ways you can deal with those 6 weeks. If you didn't have tears and don't have pain then using just fingers (outside only) or even oral (again as long as nothing is inside) is considered safe.

All I can say is not using a condom is terrible advice as your most fertile again after having a baby but the risk of infection before 6 weeks with one is high 🤦‍♀️ it’s your body but I wouldn’t put myself at risk for it, the complications it can cause aren’t work the risk

@Rebecca that’s what nhs website said when I googled 🤷‍♀️

@Rebecca because it’s true… it’s why your ob stresses not to do anything until 6 weeks. It’s not just on NHS, it’s also on ACOG

i think you should wait. if you really need to orgasm try stimulating the outside, like the clit, and such because the risks of penetration aren’t worth it. use a vibrator or have ur man do it for you but id definitely just wait 6 weeks to have intercourse again

Yup I waited 4 and I ripped it wasn't uncomfortable for me at all I ended up right back pregnant smh

just know you chance infection then you chance not being well for your new baby🤷‍♀️

We did at 5 weeks post partum, because I found out I was ovulating and wanted to try again. A bit different because I gave birth to a stillborn at 23 weeks. It hurt the first time, but has been absolutely fine since. It’s when you feel you’re ready to do it again, as long as you realise the risks of infection and your body isn’t quite healed yet. x

I didn't taer either but that didn't change the fact I just pushes a 8.5lb 22inc long baby out of me and your body needs time to heal listen to the doctors and wait let your body heal your body just went through a lot and did an amazing thing creat and deliver life

I didn’t wait but it’s up to you . You know your body more than anyone do what you feel is right

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