Feeling Alone!

I have been struggling with ppd since my little man was born (7 weeks on Friday). I feel so alone and like I have no help from my partner. I’m exhausted and he straight up told me that I do nothing all day and that I “choose to be on Mat leave”! This apparently means that he doesn’t need to help me! I have been sitting on my bathroom floor crying for an hour and I don’t want to reach out to my friend as I feel I have burdened her enough since my son was born. I wasn’t allowed to be alone for the first 6 weeks, and she had me at her house daily to help me while my boyfriend worked. I have had 3 days alone with him and I hit a wall today. I never get a break and my boyfriend when he does help always wants me there to check and help with everything that he does. He sleeps through the night and doesn’t wake to the baby crying, so even if I wanted a “night off” I can’t have one. Just needed to vent a little without bothering my friend…
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So sorry

I know it hard especially without that emotional support. Just be happy for you and your son. Just hold him kiss him know that you are everything to him. Shift your focus from his father to Just you and your son.

I have been through something similar and message me if you need to talk.

It's rough when you don't have emotional support from your partner - I've gone through the same thing. I feel stupid for having had a baby with him - even though I love my baby to bits. Today I started to make a mental list of things I was grateful for (my baby's health, his smile, the fact he's reaching his developmental milestones) - try to focus on those things. You can't control your bf or his attitude - maybe one day you won't be together (believe me I understand how scary the thought of raising a newborn is) - you can however control your reactions to him. Focus on the things you are grateful for. Hope that doesn't sound patronising - I'm just in a similar boat and trying to work my way through it xx

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