Am I pregnant

Hi all, I'm just looking for similar stories really. I am desperate to get pregnant again. My periods have been slightly irregular since having my first baby. I was due on my period on the 2nd but it didn't come. I did a pregnancy test yesterday and today and I think there is a very very faint line. However, I have had a bit of bleeding this morning. I think this bleed is too late to be an implantation bleed and looks more like the start of a period. However, Could I be pregnant?
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Yeah try again in a few days

Yeah, looks like it! I can see a 2nd line. Could try the clear blue digital early one

That looks like a strong positive to me :) x

Thanks guys. I've done a digital test today and that says I'm not pregnant so I really have no idea. I just wanted to chat to someone about it before I get excited and tell my partner. I'll wait a few days and see xxx

When I found out I was pregnant I did a digital test and they came back saying not pregnant but the other normal pregnancy tests all came back positive am now 28 weeks pregnant šŸ˜Š xxx

Iā€™d still take another few tests. The first one looks positive. You can get a false negative but you donā€™t get a false positive x

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