@Tonjanae trying 🥰 I was really in shock this afternoon. Had no idea when I left home I would not be returning! I thought I was prepared for whatever, but this really threw me off lol. 8 hours in triage and I’m just ready to get into my own room so I can change into my pjs and try to get some sleep
You got this mama! Sorry it wasn’t able to be the experience you wanted but so excited for you and baby! Praying for a safe delivery for you both ❤️❤️❤️
Awesome job with the flexibility!! I know it can be tough, but your attitude seems to be great. I hope your birth experience is amazing, even if it wasn’t what you planned. At the end of it, you still get to hold your baby. Good luck!!
@Ericha thank youuu. I definitely cried several times but ultimately just want to get him here safely. These hospital beds effing suck tho 🤣 no wonder mamas are so exhausted after this experience. I can’t sleep at all
Haha they’re slightly better in the postpartum room. Plus, being elevated is nice. And trust me, in a week, you’ll be able to sleep on the sidewalk in the rain.
@Tyler aww bless ya hope it all goes well for you. Any sign of babyboy yet? How u doing xxx
@Charlene not yet! I’m on my 3rd dose of cytotec… lots of cramping and starting to feel contractions but not quite in full labor yet. Just trying to relax & watching movies with my hubby for now :)
@Tyler bless you, thinking of you now hope it goes smoothly for you. Whats cytotec sorry 🤣? Aww thats the worst contractons when they start then get worser , im due in aug with baby no3 , take deep breaths when it gets heavier and suck on that gas an air girl 🙌 u got this xxx keep us updated little one wont be long now 👶
Yes those hospital beds i agree 😩,, try all fours aswell and grip on to the headboard bit an push i did wit my daughter , i fount it helped as no one could see me pushing with my angry looking face impressions lol 🤣 xxx good luck hun
A safe delivery for mom & baby is the best delivery! Wishing you a healthy and safe delivery! You got this!
Exactly my situation almost a year ago i ended up having a c-section its so disappointing but it won’t matter when you have your baby in your arms ❤️
Sending hugs! Same thing happened to me at my 38 wk appointment. Not the birth experience I wanted, but meeting my daughter 10 days early has been so amazing!
Awww 🥰 congrats bubba finally here 😊 , how u x
Ah! You got this! Just go with the flow now