Mentally Exhausted

Where do I even start and what do I say. A few months ago I was forced to leave my work because they wouldn't allow flexibility around childcare. They just kept telling me to "seek alternative arrangements". Since then I have been actively searching for work, had a few interviews but then was unsuccessful in each one. Now I've become so discouraged and lost. I mean no one wants to actually work but I'm a single mum and don't have any family close by so I have to get income somehow. I had to take my son out of nursery as I couldn't afford for him to go whilst not working so he's home with me everyday apart from once a week. As bad as it sounds I'm not cut out for this. He's such an active and sociable 2 year old that I don't think I'm enough entertainment for him. Alongside that I'm tired all the time and feel so low about not knowing where I'm heading that I can't lift up my spirits enough to keep him busy 24/7. I have a huge sense of mum guilt because I just want to be alone sometimes. Sorry I don't have a question. I just needed to get this off my chest, I honestly feel like I have no purpose 😔
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There’s a job site called Otta and most companies are pretty flexible. Sorry you’re feeling this way but it will get better xx

Maybe you could have someone come stay with you while you get your situation sorted out and get some much needed rest

I am in the same boat but with a 1 year old, I hear you, I see you, I feel you - the struggle is real and your son is your purpose, don’t give up, it’s hard, seek help, just don’t give up

@Katherine Thank you! I'll have a look x

@Chel Unfortunately my family lives and works in London, I don't. So they won't be able to commute 😕

@Susan Thank you ❤️

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