Mines 16th but so bloody ready for him to get out 🤣. Wish you both luck 😘🤞 hope your baby comes soon xx
Mine is the 18th, but I go in next Tuesday to be induced
I’m due today and still no signs! Hopefully they won’t keep us waiting too long!
@Emily hopefully not much longer to wait now! I'm booked for a sweep on the 09th incase bubs still hasn't arrived!
Mine was 26th March 😂😂 still waiting!
@Steph Arghhh how annoying for you! My first little boy was 5 days late and that was enough for me!! I’m sending all the labour power your way!!
@Emily I know 🥹 thanks lovely. Had one sweep and another one due today. Really hoping he gets himself moving asap, this is my first and he’s being a lazy little boy by the looks of it 😂 all the best for you too
@Steph good luck with your 2nd sweep 😊
@Jill thank you 🫶🏻
Ladies I read somewhere that with first time births it is absolutely normal and common to be ‘late’ by a week or so - should not really call it ‘late’ actually, maybe that’s how it’s intended by our bodies? ☺️ Wish you all a smooth delivery x❤️
@Dalma I read this too for most FTM's, I'm hoping baby comes on their own I don't like the idea of being induced, time will tell 😊
@Stephanie I go in on Wednesday to be induced
I was due April fools and she made a fool out of me lol still in there no signs of labour Dx
@Dalma yeah my first was a full week late 😂 now baby no2 is already 3 days late still no sign of her I've some lazy babies I guess 🙈
My due date was yesterday and still nothing☹️☹️ Fingers crossed we get some progression soon🤞🤞