I had the scan last week in Maidenhead and the care was brilliant! Great approach and lovely people :) I’d only recommend. They first do it over the stomach and if they can’t see much they will get your consent to do it internally. It depends how early are you on? I was 6weeks and 3 days and he did it internally, which I had to sign some forms
I have one booked for tomorrow at 7+3.. They said they’ll try external first x
I had one at 7+5 I think and it was external x
I know it doesn’t feel like the most comfortable method for some, but if you’re after the best image possible this early in pregnancy, transv is the way to do it! (Obviously, as always totally your choice) but something to weigh up!
I had a scan today at EPU, I’m 7w3 today (measured 7w3 as well). I went with an empty bladder wanting an internal scan cos 1) I hate having a full bladder (sensitive bladder) and 2) clearer image with internal But the sonographer was a trainee and wanted to do abdominal even tho my bladder was empty. And she could see baby and heartbeat fine with external and empty bladder!
Thanks! I’ll be 7+2 and was hoping it would be internal (for better pic) but then the website seemed to say external. It sounds from this like it’ll be external but internal if they can’t see. I just didn’t want them to say they couldn’t see well and then send me full of anxiety on my merry way 😂
I have been to Ultrasound direct a few times. They usually try external first (so go with a full bladder!) and if they can't get a good picture they will let you go to the toilet and then try internal. They've always been really lovely at the one I've been to (Edinburgh)
I had an external scan at 7.2 weeks and saw lots- video of heartbeat and everything 👍
Yeah I did and I had a internal because I was 7 weeks but I need to go at 9 weeks and she said that I can do it over the stomach that time x