First wake window

How long is your lo's first wake window and how old are they? My lo is 20 weeks, 4.5 months and his first wake window is so short at 60-80 minutes ish. How do you tell they need a nap? My lo yawns continously and moves to eye rubbing. I thought the first wake would be getting longer by now?
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My sons is 90 minutes max, it’s because they have left over melatonin from the night which is why they can (!) have a long nap

My LO first wake window is 1.5 to 1.45 I follow a nap schedule for him he is 5 months old But every consultant will tell you to still follow your babies cues ..every baby has different timings x

My son turned 5 months yesterday and it’s recently gone from 1 hour 45 to nearly 2 hours. He was just staying alert for longer / taking longer to fall asleep which is how I knew. He takes quite a long nap after it too.

I’ve recently set our first wake window at 2hrs because otherwise it just comes around so quickly and I haven’t even got myself adjusted for the day. When it was 1.5hrs by the time I’d fed him, changed him, got myself dressed etc it was time for the next nap and I hadn’t eaten breakfast and would be starving and grabbing something quick/ unhealthy before our walk

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