Spontaneous Labour - no signs?
Did anyone go into spontaneous labour with their first baby despite having no warning ‘signs’.
I’m 37+2 and still feel like I’m in the second trimester 🤣 I don’t feel ‘heavy’, I don’t feel any ‘pressure’ down below, I don’t get lightning crotch, I don’t get braxton hicks, I don’t go for a wee a million times a day. I literally get nothing, just a bit uncomfortable putting my shoes on with a belly in the way🤣🤣 Although this is brilliant for pregnancy, I’m worried that this means I won’t go into spontaneous labour and will need inducing…
I have been collecting colostrum and been getting 1ml from each boob, but absolutely no other signs to suggest baby may come herself☹️ Please let me know if you were in a similar position 🫣
My first child came at 35 weeks. I was at work the day before, a very normal day and evening- and absolutely zero indication he was coming imminently until my waters broke that night!