Help, I'm exhausted

So I'll try and make this short, my LO is almost 15 weeks, for as long as I can remember she's had awful griping belly pains before, during and after feeding, she has never had more than 24oz in 24 hours. She's been on nutramigen milk for almost a month now as they reckon she has possible CMPA due to loose stools (also mucus), belly pains, rash on her face etc. She's now going off of her milk and the stomach pains are worse than ever, she's constantly fussing at her feeds and it's becoming a real struggle to even get 18oz in her now. After 11 hours over night her nappy was barely wet this morning. She has been on infant gaviscon for "reflux" and we've tried ALL of the colic relief meds. I just don't know what else to do 😭 we've got a docs app AGAIN, does anyone have any suggestions? My baby gained all of 3oz I think last month, surely they should be concerned?
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so sorry sounds really chanellenging - can you try different reflux meds eg omaprazole? Gaviscon doesn’t stop the acid just creates a barrier between stomach and oesophagus! Have they been checked for oral ties eg could it be a latch issue on top of the allergies - different bottle teets? some cmpa babies can’t have Nutramigen due to soy content which is similar to cows milk protein - check out the CMPA subreddit

some people also pop vanilla in the milk to make it taste better - not sure how suitable that might be but worth looking into potential risk/benefit

It does take upto 6 weeks for their body to detox when going onto milk for CMPA, and sometimes it gets worse before it gets better which is a pain :( could be she potentially may need an amino acid formula rather than one that’s extensively hydrolysed, as it still has cows milk protein in, it’s just hydrolysed to a degree that it’s easier for them to digest? It also could potentially be the soy in it :( poor baby! Hope you get some answers xxx

Have you looked at tongue tie/oral dysfunction, she might be inhaling extra air on the bottle and causing the belly pains. That is what was the cause of my sons reflux and pain (he also had jaw tension so we took him to see an osteopath) I know how difficult it is to see your baby in pain when all you want to do is feed them 😢

My little one was like this and we were prescribed omeprazole. It took a full 4 weeks to kick in but he was like a new baby. He also had a very tight tongue tie which was missed by the GP and we got corrected privately. Still fussy with his feeds on the odd day but so so much happier within himself. He’s nearly 5 months so will be trying to ease him off the meds soon as I think his reflux is a lot better now he’s older and his stomach muscles have developed a little. Would be worth a shot of speaking to the GP if it could be reflux/silent reflux?

My little girl is like this😢 we’re the same with having tried all the colic & reflux meds, gaviscon, omeprazole, colief drops ect ect. Nothing helps her! She’s been on comfort milk, anti reflux milk & nutramigen (completely refused the nutramigen) so I’ve now got her on Kendamil Organic and I’m refusing to change her milk again as her belly has been through so much. We’ve decided to wean her early in 2 weeks time when she’s 4 months as I have no idea what else can be done to help her. I have no advice as in the same boat, it’s so heartbreaking seeing them in pain. You’re not alone mumma and you’re doing an amazing job!! My little girl has just been referred to a paediatrician & dietitian after me forcing the GP as they couldn’t offer anything else for her to try. Try and get yours to do the same!! Xx

My LG is like this, but not on every bottle, I found warming it (even though not meant to as NUTRAMIGEN is meant to be room temp) helps her. From going to Kemdamil to NUTRAMIGEN, her mucousy poops have almost stopped, and the red rashes on her face have reduced hugely but still the fidgety uncomfortable feeds. I have a paediatrician app. on 8th May for her. Wish I could offer advice x

Oh ladies, it's so hard isn't it. I've been to the doctors today AGAIN, all theu suggested was to keep at it for another week and speak to my HV for suggestions! Seriously, I'm losing my patience with the GP'S. How did you manage to get an appointment with the paediatrician @Deb and @Saskia My LG has literally had 15ozs today and won't go near anything else, she's only had 4 wet nappies since this morning xxx

Our Little one was exactly the same the gos were no help o took him to urgent care as he was hysterical all day every day they prescribed omeprazole it did have to be increased but since he is like a different baby xx

@Kirsty I want to take her to a&e but feel it's not that urgent 😢 I will be if she doesn't have much more to drink tonight as she's only on 15oz and 4 wet nappies. Xxx

@Kerry luckily my GP just sorted it straight away. Maybe you need a new dr or a second opinion. Take her to A&E if your mum insticts are telling you too. Say she's hardly drank and only had a few wet nappies. Show them the video. Especially if she is gaining slowly or even loosing. X

@Deb thank you, will definitely take her as I can't bare seeing her struggle anymore, it's heartbreaking and I'm making myself sick with the worry 😢 xxxx

So awful, my second baby was like this and honestly was so down about it- made the days so tough! Have you thought about changing bottles?- may allow her to latch on better, reducing the amount of air she's getting in?? I personally think mam bottles are great!

Might sound stupid but have you changed the bottles and teats obviously may not help her up day stomach bless her but may help her take more feeds, all my kids would not take those bottles as tests kept Collapsing

@Kerry Our GP referred us as they agreed that we had tried everything that they had to offer for her reflux! I showed them a video of her feeding (basically exactly like your little one) and they agreed that it wasn’t right or fair and she needed more help then they could offer. Have you shown them this video? To be quite honest, I think my doctor was sick of seeing me and hearing me complain and that’s why we got the referral but I don’t really care as long as I get some help for my little girl!

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I don't want to alarm you but please do push for more help as you don't want to risk baby developing bottle aversion due to her difficulty with feeding. My baby has feeding issues relating to her heart condition, silent reflux and bottle aversion started developing. The best thing was when we were admitted to hospital we were able to see speech and language therapist who was the first person to ever really look at the whole picture with her feeding. She's still not eating much but it's gradually improving.

Is nutramigen preferred in the first place when we start formula feed ? Baby is currently on exclusive breastfeeding . Looking if incase we want to give in future.

@Kayleigh may I ask what the speech and language therapist suggested or how they helped?

@Syma nutramigen is a dairy alternative formula that you need to get on prescription. @Mary these bottle teats collapse if the air valve is not open, a simple way to fix it to squeeze it open or put something through it like a cake tester as sometimes they are not opened properly when made, also any bottle can have this issue as I've got advent bottles too that I needed to open the air valve as collapsed. You'd think these bottles would be checked more, but as mass produced, I guess some slip through lol. @Gabrielle and @Mary, my LG struggled with latch until last week, and she's now 13 weeks, I tried different bottles and didn't make a difference. Think she has an underbite like I had, poor child. @Kerry, did you take her up to the hospital? How did you get on? Hope you all are well xx

@Deb I haven't taken her to a&e, but I think I'm going to today, I just feel like they'll look at me like I'm mad as she's not dehydrated and she's always smiling and happy whenever we go and see health professionals. But she went 11 hours last night and only had 3oz this morning, she's literally only having small amounts, she starts to pull faces whenever it comes to feeding time, I've changed bottles and nothing 😒 her nappy was barely wet this morning 🤦🏽‍♀️I have to do something as she's so hungry but she just refuses to drink anymore, and I'm going insane with it all xxx

Hi Kerry, I'm in the exact boat as you, my son has been put on nutramigen and i don't think it's agreeing with him, I had him on kendamil and he was drinking 5oz and was always wanting more but he wasn't comfortable on it. He now drinks hardly anything, 3oz and then falls asleep for 3 hours. He just refuses to drink it and then is in pain and screams! I also don't know what to do. Ive been to the doctors twice this week and they've told me to carry on with it and see when you get him weighed if he's gained or dropped. I know deep down it's the milk but they just refuse to listen to me. Its so hard to know what's wrong with him, i believe he's got CMPA or an intolerance to cows milk and silent reflux. Let me know if you want to talk privately cause I feel you and having same issues! X

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