staying at home all pregnancy 😭 boredom killing me

Ive been at home all my pregnancy, im due middle of june and im literally going out my head. Ive been walking daily, shopping, cooking, sleeping, i dont know what else to do and im getting so impatieng waiting for everything. another 10 weeks i think im going to start knitting im literally bored out my head and i dont feel like meeting anyone cos im uncomfortable and always need to be next to a bed cos i get breathless. 😭😭
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Presuming your not working as well? If so, be thankful of not having much to do 🤣

Hehehe take some free course , every weekend they have smthg . Rest while you can, your body will need recovering once baby is here. Try some meditation 🧘‍♀️, clean the house if that’s what helps. Enjoy ur me time while you’re able to.

As someone who loves to crochet, I would say you could do worse than taking up knitting/crochet/Cross stitch - you can use your new skills to make something for baby!

I can understand why you're bored, it sounds like a dream (I'm working full time) but I can imagine after a while it gets boring. Im going to have a couple of weeks off before I'm due and I'm hoping to do loads of food prep to keep me occupied and make sure I have easy healthy meals available once baby girls here, might be a little task for a few days for you?

@Gemma no im not, i miss work so much but i havent worked since i found out about my pregnancy x im thankful but so bored and lonley lol

@Raccoon thank u so much ive joined baby academy a few times the totally forget ill sign up for classes again. Mum said the same she said u think when baby comes you will have this time to relax and do what u want 😂 in a way just want baby to come so i cna be busyy

@Sophie not a dream haha i may say that when baby is up all night 😂 your better off working so time goes quick. when ur home all the time u keep thinking i cant wait for baby to come out. I would but not a fan of frozen food hope u enjoy that and have good rest x

I can imagine to be fair, at least the weather's getting better so maybe can spend a bit more time outdoors. Do you like reading? Maybe a good book in the sunshine might make the days go a bit quicker between walks and stuff? I had a really cute idea the other day that I want to find time to do, I want to make a scrap book of all my scan pictures and add in some pictures of bump growing and the nursery before and afters so I can show baby all this stuff when she's older and she can have it when she's an adult. It could be fun maybe? X

@Sophie no reading for me, i have problems focusing haha. And yeah i give that a go i guess maybe more cleaning and shopping thanks xxx

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