Starting weaning soon

What kind of things will i need to buy and how do i prepare? What should I serve for the first week? I wanted to combo feeding (but more BLW). Do i need to buy a baby food blender?
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You absolutely don't need to buy a baby good blender. We bought one but you don't need to. I started of with just a banana in the morning (my mum made a good point of it in case it upsets their tummy) mashed real good and only two tea spoon and gradually started giving her more. One rule I did follow is first week once a day second week twice a day and so on

Instead of buying a baby food blender you could use your home blender or nutribullet if you have one just make sure they are clean really good unless you want to buy a specific baby food blender 🥰🩵

@Tamara thank you! Theres so much we need to buy for babies, didnt want to buy a blender too 😂. How did u serve vegetables as puree? Were they harder to mash as opposed to banana?

@Karlee i only have a massive blender at home and don’t have a nutribullet 😕 Didnt really want to buy a food blender, but wanted to know if it was a necessary buy

@Nikki-Lee thanks, I’ll have a look at the book x

I bought reusable pouches so what I do is let the banana ripen and mash it by hand in the pouches but you can certainly use a blender on it, with broccoli and such I add breast milk to it too 😊

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