Online antenatal course recommendations

Hi all, looking for recommendations on good online antenatal courses if anyone can help? They don't offer free in-person ones in my area and the cheapest in-person one I could find locally is £280!!! Happy to pay for an online one, but obviously hope they'll be much cheaper than that.
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Show your support is a free online, there r several ones in the websites

The positive birth company have a great hypnobirthing course, it's just lots of videos you can watch in your own time but super informative about how your body works and how to ensure you have a positive birth experience no matter the circumstances ❤️

We did the free baby academy ones to start with which were great for the basics. We have paid for their more in depth course which they offer discount codes for on their free sessions. I couldn’t go to ones in my local area as partner works funny hours so finding these a great alternative!

The honest midwife 100%

Pampers offer free classes on there website

Thank you all for your help 😊 will check all these out and get booking! Xx

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