Breech baby

So at my appointment today they've said that the baby is breech and one of my options is to try and turn the baby themselves, have a breech birth or a section. What are peoples experiences with a breech birth or turning the baby.
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I have no experience but I was watching loads of videos on YouTube showing turning the baby as i was curious what breech was and it looked like a very peaceful fairly easy thing to do! So I'd give it a go if I were you

My first baby was breech, they tried to turn him very uncomfortable but definitely worth to try. Ended up in planned section. Good luck xx

Have a look on spinning babies or this video I'm nearly 33w and I'm also breech but told not to be concerned as he was head down a few weeks ago and they also move. Lots of stories of women who are later than 36w whose baby has moved xxx

Mines breach too and has been the whole time. Got a 36w midwife appointment in 2 weeks and if they still think he is breach they will do another scan to check

My first was breech so I was booked for a section at 39 weeks, the night before I was super uncomfortable and was sick, went in to have my section the next day and they said the baby had turned by themselves and I could go home

I found out my little one was breech at 36 weeks and was booked for an ECV at 37 weeks. Within that week I was on the spinning babies website. When I went for my scan before my ECV she was head down 🤞🏼

Thanks everyone, I'm only 32 weeks now so I know there's still plenty of time for baby to turn but would like opinions if this is not the case.

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