Bed rest after ivf transfer

Hello. Im 33 and just had my eggs transferred today. doctor has told me to do complete bed rest for 2 weeks. Anyone else!?
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My clinic advised taking it easy but to just resume normal activities. Just not do any high impact exercise or stuff like that but walking and usual day to day things are fine. Walking is good for blood flow

My transfer is coming up next week. I was instructed to take bed rest only on the day of transfer. Then, resume normal activities the next day. To Jen's point above, walking is good for blood flow and I was told I can walk as many miles as I'd like just nothing high impact or brisk walking. No lifting above 10 pounds or using any heat on abdomen. I was given a print out with instructions. Did you get one or can you request one?

One day of bed rest then resume normal activities except intense exercise and intercourse.

Hey, I would take it easy but wouldn’t be on bed rest for two weeks. I’m sure science now shows some walking and daily routine helps with blood flow which helps the transfer to be successful. We got pregnant but sadly ended in a miscardge but I resumed as normal the first day. Working, cooking and cleaning but avoided any heavy lifting and exercise.

Did your doctor explain why ie you may have a medical condition that is leading them to recommend that?

Hi I’m On day three of transfer and I was told same just chill after then resume as normal anyone here got any symptoms I was tired first day now I feel absolutely fine

Hi all, are you doing fresh or frozen ? Would like to hear some stories on how many cycles you did and eggs retrieved xx

I was told to carry on as normal I'm now 37+6 weeks

@Fay didnt get anything. Will ask. Thank you

@D no

@Tina my first cycle and first transfer yesterday. 25 eggs collected and only 5 were fertilized A grade

@lynne congratulations!

I was told no pulling pushing lifting heavy items until i had an established pregnancy. We were very fortunate both rounds worked. Due 2nd baby in May

Wooooow thats great news !! I wish you all the best 🙏🏻❤️

Oh also keep doing gentle walking to keep blood moving to uterus and raise your legs to help blood flow to uterus I did this for 2-3 mins multiple times a day x

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Never heard this, its been suggested to take it easy day transfer happens but not for 2 weeks, what is the reason behind this suggestion?

I have no idea but they have admitted me as in patient for a few days with strict bed rest. I had a urine catheter in for the first day. Told me i camt even get up to use the bathroom. Idk is this going to help?!! Im freaking out

Are you not able to ask them why?

I'd be asking them why, I know every transfer can be different but I've never heard of this

They said better chances. I had full bed rest for 24 hours. Didnt let me get up at all

Im home now. But said to be on bed rest

It might be normal protocol for that clinic if theyve not given you a specific resson as to why hun. Not heard of strict bedrest before

My clinic recommends business as usual after transfer. I got mine and went to the local shopping center and then two days later went on holiday via a plane etc. Currently 33 weeks 🤍🤞🏻 I've never heard of total bed rest so I'd definitely question it x

I tested positive. And hcg levels are high

Doctor had transferred 3 embryos. Two stuck and one didnt

I started bleeding two days ago. Clots. I think the third one came out. Other two r safe

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