Getting pregnant

My little one is 21 months old and we have decided to start trying for number 2. Just wondering how quickly people fell pregnant with their second baby? I didn’t go back on the pill after my LO was born as I knew I would like to try for another within the next two years so my cycles are all natural and regular. We are excited but also a little nervous as we know what’s to come 🤣
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First month 😅 evidently, we are quite fertile, but I've had 3 miscarriages throughout the years. We're hoping to try for number 3 next cycle. Let's hope for sticky babies!

Very quickly! But unfortunately miscarried x

As soon as we have decided for another baby i fell pregnant in the next cycle :) then miscarried, then month later pregnant again. Currently im 37+2 weeks pregnant.

I fell the first cycle we started trying was so shocked it happened so fast now currently 29 weeks

It took me and my partner 7 months to fall pregnant with our second! But first try with our first xxx

Second month of trying. I tracked my ovulation using the little pee sticks. Lucky to now be 17 weeks pregnant. x

First month for us, our second is now a week old x

We are in our second month of trying but we are not being too structured with it at the moment. We got married last week so we just decided to go with the flow without condoms and see what happened. With our first as soon as I stopped being so focused on ovulation testing etc we fell pregnant so I'm going to try it out like this for a few months and see. I know roughly when I'm ovulating so when to focus on that week a bit more.

2 months for me x

Took us 8 months for our second, first time with our first

First try tbh we weren’t even expecting it I’d just come off the pill and here we are several weeks pregnant with baby number 2

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