Potty training

My 3rd old is stubborn when it comes to potty training any advice would be amazing
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Don’t force it. That’ll only make it worse/harder

100% what Caitlin said. Try your best not to stress about it - your stress feeds your child’s resistance. Modeling can help. If there’s any way for your child to see other children on the potty (play groups, school, day care, friends, whatever) or even just reading books with children using the potty. For my older (most stubborn) child, modeling was the ticket. For my younger child, time without pressure m, being in underpants, and a basket of books by the potty that she could look at while sitting were what helped. Pee came first and poop was several months later. Being in underpants (thick cotton training pants are great) when possible so your child can experience the feeling of wetness can also help. But you have to be okay with cleaning up misses with no anger or frustration - it’s just part of the process. This can be easiest if you take your child outside to play in underpants - pee isn’t a big deal outside, no wet rugs or furniture to clean up.

Forgot to say - no pants over the underpants so it’s easier for your little one to pull the underpants down and get on the potty. Also easier for clean up if you don’t have to peel wet pants down. Try to be chill about wetness - “oh, I see your underpants are wet. Let’s get that cleaned up - dry clothes are so much more comfortable.” It’ll click in time.

For my son i am struggling a little bit for number twos in the potties, but we've been progressing a lot We've been doing a reward system For when he had goes or when he tries Our reward system is based off of stickers for when he tries and Hot Wheels. Mystery packs when he actually goes. I learned that if you used a candy base reward system, it does not help Because they get too hyper and when kids are hyper. They have the tendency to forget to ask. Or to tell us they Have to go potty

I took Mary Barbera's course and we use positive pairing, we watch the Wiggle Toilet Song while we sit on the toilet. We have a toileting chart and toilet book. He gets a candy or a bath if successful or you can do a toy. My son is autistic but this same method worked for my friends nephew he got candy when successful then eventually he worked towards a bike. I got my son to sit on the potty we are headed in the right direction. But good luck try to make it positive and I visualize the day we get to not buy pull ups. It will be amazing.

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