The threenager tantrums 😭

Anyone else struggling?? It seems constant these days!
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Omg I thought it was just me. Our girl doesn’t listen and tantrums allll the time. I had to apologize in the air for all the parents I bad mouth before kids saying they have no control. Yep that feels like me and we do time out. I walk away we do everything to keep this girl in line. #epicfail. It’s these quarantine babies. 🤣🤣🤣. Seriously her communication is off the charts. When I can get her to tell me what’s going on we can work through it and get things resolved but even that has been a challenge lately. Hang in there mama. This too shall pass

Goodness yes and it’s been exhausting 😂😭

Omg my son’s tantrums!!! Multiple tantrums a day that are loudddd for any little thing that doesn’t go his way. God knows what my neighbours must think I’m doing to my kids with how loud he shouts and screams!!! 🫠 oh he’s also physical too, he hits and kicks when he’s pissed off. 🫠

@Chanti yes! Our son is above average for speech and vocabulary and he communicates very well, but he takes after his parents and shuts down when he’s upset. Ugh it has been a struggle 😂 I’ve tried it all!! Sadly at a point where I have to ignore him sometimes because I can’t find the willpower to handle it any other way.

@Hashana oh gosh, EXACTLY SAME! I am like shhhhh our neighbors gonna call CPS! 😂 sounds like I’m torturing him.

@Anna I’m the sameeee!!! 🫣🫣🫣🫣 I honestly don’t know what to do sometimes. I feel bad for how I react sometimes.

@Hashana I feel ya. He just threw a terrible tantrum in target a few minutes ago and was yelling “stop hurting me! Don’t hurt me!” 🤦‍♀️ I was holding his hand

@Anna ooooh no. That’s my fear. I told her I can’t take her anywhere if she doesn’t stop being a mean girl. Humph

Does anyone in the Nov 2020 babies chat have any tips or advice that work? I’ve started telling her she is a nice girl and when I see the bad behavior say that’s not being a nice girl. It helps a little but more reactive that proactive.

@Chanti for my son honestly if something is going to work it’s getting down and hugging him, acknowledging why he’s upset (if I know why 😂) and then go from there. Unfortunately sometimes you just have to let the tantrum ride out first then go back and acknowledge the feeling. And I wish they would just be able to be avoidable, but they aren’t. Usually there’s a need but sometimes it’s really just something I can’t help with at the moment. Like he’s tired and needs a nap or he’s hungry but we aren’t in a place or time to eat.

@Chanti I actually read not to use terms like nice girl/boy or mean girl/boy, because it makes them feel bad. It’s hard though 😑 I definitely say “ugh you’re so mean!” Or “that was so nice!”/“you’re not being nice” lol

@Sarah ✨ I have a hard time regulating my emotions sometimes because I just wasn’t raised expressing them. I was definitely taught to suppress them! If anything, I’m learning with him! And it’s nobody’s fault. Nobody is perfect. As a parent though I definitely try my hardest to process my emotions before I react to things (which can be hard!) I always own up to my reactions and apologize if I know I’ve reacted poorly. That way at least my kids know that I am responsible for my reactions, not them.

@Chanti the only thing that seems to work for me is distracting him. Like asking him a question to make him think of something else. If he’s tired then nothing works. I’m pregnant so I’m ashamed to admit I’ve actually bribed him with a popsicle to calm down. I know it is a terrible move but they are the healthy all fruit ones and it worked. 😭I’m sure there’s some punishment I’ll serve for that in the future. lol. I’ve been really struggling this pregnancy and parenting eek

@Jenna bless you. I couldn’t imagine having a 3 year old and pregnant

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