
For the mamas with kiddos who needed tubes put in, how was their recovery? Did you need anything to make it easier? I’m trying to get a better idea of what to expect 😅
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Oh my gosh I am also looking for this information!

@Katelyn mine goes for hers in 12 days, I hope it goes well for your little!

My daughter had hers done about a month ago! She had to fast so had it done as early as possible, and I took snacks and a drink for her to have as soon as she was done but she wasn't interested for a half hour or so after. It took a long time just waiting around in pre-op but once they had her back there it was quick; the doctor can do the procedure in 7 minutes. It was maybe 15 minutes before they called us back to get her. The anesthesia makes them essentially act like little drunk people, at least that's what the anesthesiologist explained. They could be angry or loopy or silly coming off of it, but are most frequently angry. My daughter was a cranky one, we could hear her screaming as soon as they opened the door to call us back. She remained fussy all the way home aside from when she stole my mom's breakfast. It was about a 40 minute drive home for us. After we got home I put her down for nap and when she woke up a few hours later she was right as rain.

Basically you need to prepare for the fact there will likely be crankiness and tears and just be ready to ride it out.

Mine had his at 7 months, it was easy peasy! Make sure to pick up the drops they prescribe ahead of time, and grab some cotton balls to put in their ears during baths. Maybe some extra Tylenol/motrin to have on hand in case needed. Good luck!

We recently just went through this actually on March 7th, all kids are different my child came out of anesthesia screaming and slept 95% of the day after that. And then the next day she was fine! She was 15 months

Mine has his at 10 months and it wasn’t bad! Getting up super early and not being able to feed him wasn’t ideal but surprisingly he did okay. He was inconsolable for the first hour or so after he woke up from surgery. Once we got home he took a nice long nap and woke up like it never happened.

Can someone tell what it means by “tubes put in” ?

@Rashmi ear tube surgery, it helps kiddos with build up fluid in their ears that won’t drain in their own ☺️

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