Nightmare at bed time

Anyone else's child suddenly become a nightmare in the evening? My daughter has all of a sudden started becoming quite agitated towards her dad after bath time, jumping all over him, trying to bite etc. (I'm usually in the shower at this point so it's never directed at me) this is so unlike her, shes never been aggressive at all! Then she asks to go to bed, but starts screaming and shouting the minute she's in her bedroom. She's always been so so easy at bed time, would just get in bed and go straight to sleep. I'm just feeling at my wits end, it's makes me feel like a horrible mum. Any one going through something similar or have any advice?
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Yaaaaas, but not biting the whole wanting to come into our bed, and she doesnt want to sleep in her room! even though she would lay down have bottle and then go to sleep! its now meltdown crying, and fall asleep 😔 it absolutely must be a phase! Hang tight, it might get better x

I have noticed my son taken agesss to get to sleep last few nights and ending up sleeping very late compared to his usual bedtime. Crying and messing around. This eve I took him up much earlier and he went to bed by 6! Maybe you daughter is over tired?

I found that with mine and I realised that he was becoming overloaded by the day; he was processing too much and needed to talk about it. So we started going through what happened in the day and giving him space to tell us too. This evening he went to bed talking about something that happened in nursery as well as me talking about his day. After doing this we found his nights were less restless

@Annabelle I try so so hard to get her to talk to me about her day! She has no interest and its like pulling teeth!

@Ali ooo possibly!! She has recently started waking at 7 instead of 9 but only going to bed half an hour earlier, I just assumed she needed less sleep as she was getting older 😂 might give this a try.

@Holly glad to know I'm not alone! So emotionally draining.

@Aimèe it took a long time! For several weeks and even still now I sometimes just talk for him. I find that bath time works well as they are a bit distracted but aso can’t go anywhere!

@Annabelle whenever I ask, she just ignores me or says I don't know. Might give it a go during bath time then. I swear she's turned 3 and it's like I have no idea what I'm doing anymore 🤯

@Aimèe no your not alone, i choose my battles sometimes, then i sit back and think they won't be this little forever, and hug her to sleep. That works only so much though 😂 but ive been out this morning, and took them to the park, my sons out cold but my daughters still awake.. 😭, i dont ever get my time, at the moment x

@Aimèe threenagers! Its a whole different ball game 😵‍💫 you’d be surprised how much they actually absorb when you think they’re not listening.

@Holly I just knew that if I got in bed with her, it would be a whole new argument when I got out 😂 I feel for you, i manage to get both of them in bed and asleep by half 7 thankfully. The me time is needed!!

@Annabelle shocked at the difference! 100% smarter than we realise 😅

I thought it was just me when my daughter was younger she slept so much easier. Now she's become 3 everything is a battle. She wants to play, she wants me to cuddle her sometimes it takes me 3 hours to settle her then it's so late and I feel like shit. You are not alone I'm hoping it will get easier.

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