wanting to have a girl 🥲

so i really wanna have a girl in my next pregnancy 🥺 is there anything yall tried that made yall have a girl?? cause i heard that the woman shouldn’t finish and to let him finish in missionary, Chinese calendar what are your thoughts? any tips or recommendations? 👀
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All myth .

I’ve heard the same. Also to have sex 48 hours before you ovulate so the only sperm left are girls! Following for info!

@Sarah doesn’t hurt to try 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Well I answered your question I said it's all myth 😊 I never said don't try. The only thing that can guarantee you the gender of the baby is gender selection through ivf.

I feel the same way honestly about wanting to have a girl! I have 6 nephews and I know the odds are against us because there is a long history of boys/men on my husband’s side. The men determine the sex and it definitely shows in our family 😂

Maybe research the "Shettles Method." People have found some success with that. X

My sister in Law and step mother had tried everything suggested. One had 5 boys and 1 has had 2. I had sex on ovulation day both my recent pregnancies. 1st was a girl, waiting fir birth for this one so we will see.

I got my girl about two weeks after being extremely sick and at that point I was eating lots and lots of beef 🤷🏻‍♀️

I have 2 little girls would of loved 2 have a little boy but that’s me done now no more children hope u get ur little girl x

I can share my story of wanting a boy not sure if it was fluke but it worked. I already had 3 girls and desperately wanted a boy. My friend gave me a blue crystal egg ( not sure what type of crystal) but I carried it around with me all the time and kept picturing my baby boy. When I was in bed at night I was close my eyes and imagine my baby boy sleeping next to me, eventually I fell pregnant and kept these thoughts all the time, never doubting it. And then voila found out I was having a boy. I never told anyone that story until he was here. X

IVF with preimplantation genetic screening.

I’ve heard that having sex 3-4 days before ovulation is the best chance to conceive a girl. Something about female sperm swims slower than male sperm so the make sperm gets to the egg faster. But the female sperm takes longer. So by the time the female sperm reaches the egg the male sperm may die off before you ovulate. Probably not true but you never know! 😆😊 I had sex 4 days before ovulation and got pregnant and I’m having a girl!

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