Hayfever medication

Hi all, I wonder if anyone has any advice on if they’re taking hayfever tablets whilst pregnant and which ones? I’m starting to suffer from my usual seasonal hayfever which can get quite bad and I went to the pharmacy today to ask the pharmacist which are best during pregnancy and he wouldn’t sell me any. He said there aren’t enough medical studies to support that any antihistamines are safe during pregnancy. Im happy to get a second opinion from the doctor but wondered if anyone else had any experience with this? Thanks, Lisa
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Not sure but I’ve been wondering the same. There is a website called bumps which basically says what’s safe during pregnancy etc. there could be something on there. https://www.medicinesinpregnancy.org/Medicine--pregnancy/Hay-Fever1/ this is a page on hay fever and if you scroll down it lists some antihistamines and gives some info about research done on pregnant women so you can make your informed decision. Hope that helps. I know I’ll be having a thorough look

I take Allegra and have a prescribed nasal spray. I suffer from hay fever as well, my OB also said that Claritin and Zyrtec is safe 💕

I was suffering myself last week so I've spoken to two pharmacists about antihistamines recently. The first said they can't recommend/ give anything without a doctor's approval but that most doctors will say it's ok, and the second said that the reason they can't is because there aren't enough studies to say that they're ok for pregnant women (he also said Claritin would be best if I was going to take one, because it's the one that's been around longest so more would have come up if it caused big issues, and not to take Telfast because it's a stronger one). I haven't taken any because mine has thankfully improved in the meantime, I just did sinus rinses and kept windows closed, but if it got really bad again I myself would just take 1 tablet. I'll be seeing my GP next week for a routine checkup so will ask her about them as well just to see.

There is only a select few we are allowed to take and has to be prescribed by your GP. None of shop brought is advised to be safe to use. Reach out to your GP and they will give you the one you are allowed xx

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