Baby books?

I want to start reading more to my baby (12 months) but I’m looking for baby books that are more on the affordable side because I don’t see the point of spending £10 on a book that my child will get bored of in 2 days. I also want to get a bunch of them in one go not just one or two at a time. Any suggestions?
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The works do 10 kids books for £10 if you have any anywhere near you 🥰

Charity stores are great! You can usually get them for around 50p or £1. Otherwise, the Works do 3 for £5 on a bunch of different children books. Hope this helps!

The Works do 10 picture books for £10

join the library! we borrow like 10 books a week and we can rotate and re-borrow our favourites again. We have bought a few of them that we really loved. Amazing by Anthony somethingg , Mildred by Jono Ganz, any Oliver Jeffers are our faves so far.

tesco do 2 for £7 on club card price, i used to go buy myself books whenever I was in there but now I treat my LO to some, but the works is also really good!! I got an easter based one for £2 the other day is great for choosing books

Such great suggestions above! People also sell books secondhand online — World of Books and a bunch of other dedicated sites where you can do targeted searches, or even on Vinted

We bought so many form the works in the 10 for £10 deal we have around 80+ books now and even with that many and rotating them In starting to get fed up as she has a story every night before bed since a newborn but now she’s older she requests stories through the day and multiple stories at night. I love that she enjoys stories but the works didn’t have any of the more popular books in the deal for example the Gruffalo/tiger who came to tea so I get those ones from asda in the 2 for £7 deal and find I much prefer reading those on repeat! You can get really good book bundles form Vinted too

Another recommendation for the library! We’ve bought our baby some of our faves so he has some books in his collection but we borrow from the library so we can get out loads at one time without having to spend any money

Also highly recommend the library In the UK generally speaking if you register your child at the library and borrow children's books on their library card (as opposed to borrowing children's books on an adults card) then there's no late fees Librarians are usually quite understanding regarding damage to children's books too

Yes i’m a librarian and repair and replace children’s books all the time! We don’t bat an eyelid

I get mine in charity shops, the one I usually go they do 10 children books for £1🥰

I recommend getting one of the 365 stories books (I know they are about £10 but they last much longer 😂)

@Candise This is what we have. The stories are the perfect length for bedtime I've found

@Lauren we have a few now 😂I love them

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