Nervous & excited!

Had an appointment with my MH consultant today and due to some pretty severe PTSD she has agreed to a C-section at 38 weeks. Baby will be here week beginning 6th May - roughly 3 weeks… I am so excited but so nervous! Seems like it’s ages away, but at the same time I know it will be here before I know it! Can’t wait for maternity leave to stay on Monday!! Anyone else in the same boat?! X
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Hey! Ours is booked for 9th May, I'll be 39 weeks 🥰 I have ptsd from a past relationship and required gynaecology surgery to fix some damage so wasn't comfortable giving birth in case I undo the work I've had done. Such a relief knowing it's in the diary! Started mat leave yesterday and it feels so surreal to know when she's coming 🥹

I’m booked for 3rd May currently off work with cold/ flu symptoms but I’m going back in for one more week and finishing on 26th. I’m a teacher so I imagine next week will feel longggg but in general the whole pregnancy has flown x

Yes! I’m likely being induced the week of 22nd April! Not due until 14th of may. I’m feeling excited and nerves to, and times dragging! Really didn’t want an induction but starting to like the idea that I will know when it’s all going to happen instead of waiting for labour to start by its self 😊 hope time goes quick for you!!

I’m getting induced 10th May at 39+6 can’t waittttt wish something would start naturally earlier though!!

Aww you're so lucky. Mines booked for 39+2 weeks - they wouldn't budge on doing it sooner than 39wks! Provisionally in for 7th May so will be close to yours 🥰

I’m booked for c section 2 may which is 39+5

@Holly ah bless you. That’s pants. I’m under maternal mental health, clinical psychologist and the trauma team. Honestly, I couldn’t go to 39 weeks because if I feel the contractions of labour starting naturally, that will be me done! I’m grateful they’ve booked me in at 38. Found out our date today & we are the same as you.. 7th May! 38 weeks on the dot 💙

@Marissa I’m a teacher too! I cannot wait until Friday to finish!! Looking forward to taking it easy and pottering around the house for a couple of weeks! It’s not been easy working through it x

I’ve got my second growth scan on Thursday followed by a meeting with the consultant. I’ll be 34 weeks and I’m really going to beg for a c-section. Tbh I don’t think they’ll put up much of a fight as he’s consistently 97th+ percentile and has been breech the whole way through (I’m not sure if he’s turned but either way I want a c section). I’ve got a horrendous family history of vaginal birth - no woman has managed to give birth vaginally since way before my grandma and it certainly makes me anxious despite being a very laid back person in general!

@Emily you shouldn’t need to beg lovely. It’s your choice. Just tell them you want a section and they should put the wheels in motion x

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