Help losing weight

Hey guys so I been trying to find a way to help me lose some weight I am about 190 the heaviest I ever been ( except when I was pregnant) and idk were to start I am a year postpartum with back to back pregnancies
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Losing weight happens in the kitchen. When I was cutting weight I had a calorie goal but ate 6x a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack dinner, snack. Making meals and having snacks to meet your calorie intake for the day. And because you have those snacks in between you’ll find yourself not going hungry and fulfilled throughout the entire day. And the biggest fail in the kitchen is people constantly searching for that ‘new’ healthy recipe. Figure out what you like and stick with it. If you think about it, it’s the same way as eating unhealthy. You like certain foods or hard days calls for easy make foods. It’s the same way but healthy (if that makes any sense). And vitamins, giving your body what it needs as well in that area. Also, when I mean snack I use to do rice cakes with peanut butter and bananas, or a smoothie, or fruit bowls, etc. also, I did go cold turkey on sugar. Anything that was sugar and wasn’t coming naturally from the foods I was eating, I cut out.

Hey love I’m a health coach & would love to help you ☺️ 9788282467

I meal prep for work so thats helped a lot. I weigh less then I did before I was pregnant.

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