We've entered the whingey moan phase 😩

My 18-month-old son has taken to moaning ...all. damn. day! We may get a few moments where he's happy and playing or napping, but outside of that, it's constant whinging. I know it's a normal part of toddlerhood, though I was lucky with my daughter and skimmed past this phase, but my gosh, it really grinds you down. I can't even remedy my stress with wine because I'm pregnant 🤣 How long were your little munchkins in the whinge phase?
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Mine was recently for around 3 weeks! She was sooo clingy to me I couldn’t do anything without her being attached to me and it was draining. One day it just went haha and she went back to being a bit more independent and happy!

Still in it unfortunately 😆 I thought she was clingy before she was one but man was I wrong 🙄

There is an 18-month regression. It hit us like a freight train and we had no clue to even expect it. A

It’s gets worse !

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