Violent toddler

I have a little boy that will be three in a few months. He has always been a hitter. From about 11 months and holding strong. He's just getting worse. He pushes his baby sister (15 months), punches everyone he can in the face, does summer saults on other kids, and now he's started laying on his sister to hold her down. I've tried everything. I've tried talking to him, removing him from the situation, ignoring him, time outs. Everything. And to no relief of the problem. Any advice would be great. I've gotten to the point of wanting to take him to a behavioral therapist but I have to wait until he's 3 for them to evaluate him.
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Maybe he just wants your attention. He gets a lot of it when he does what he shouldn’t. Maybe more one on one time/ quality time with him. My almost 3 yr old is less likely to hit when she’s getting my undivided attention.

If you do reading before bedtime, try adding Hands Are Not For Hitting (or something similar) to your routine. We also read books about emotions to give my daughter more words to use to describe how she was feeling so she didn’t have to use her hands as much to express them. It takes time though, so just be persistent and consistent with whatever methods you use.

He may just have too much energy and not know what to do with it. I have a 17month old that hits. And she does it more when she's tired, needs to burn off some energy or she gets frustrated with something or someone. What does help is making sure she takes her naps atleast and 1hr 30, giving her nutrious snacks and meals for the most part but sometimes it's a McDonald's kinda day lol. And getting outside as much as possible, run around the yard, go to the park, and going for a walk. Anything to burn off some energy. And once she's old enough we'll put her in some kind of activity like dance, swim classes or gymnastics. Maybe check in your area and see what activities are available for kids his age. Hope this helps

Ive read trying a behavioral chart to put on the fridge, and when he has a good week, you take him to do something fun with just you and him . Kids at that age want time together. I wouldn’t take him to a therapist, you don’t want them labeling him. Also think about if there is anything that could be overstimulating him.. tv/iPad? As someone mentioned above, sounds like alot of energy. Try putting him in a little league sport

Pediatric OTA here 👋 he could be needing sensory input. My boy (also almost 3) is like this. He needs more climbing, jumping, bear hugs, joint compressions, blanket burrito, pushing/transporting heavy things, etc

He may need behavioral therapy. Hitting and hurting his younger sibling isn’t good at all. I would be holding his hands down & telling him he can’t even be near her if he isn’t gentle. He would be playing in his room closed in & I would go in every 20 minutes to check on him until he can behave nicely. Make sure he is also getting enough attention & activity like others have said but don’t give positive reinforcement for his bad behavior either.

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