I want to refuse Gestational Diabetes treatment.

Am I a bad mama for not wanting to finish my last 7-8 weeks writing everything down, monitoring my food intake and feeling it like I’m not feeding myself or my baby enough? I had great results until this point. I nearly passed out during my 3 hr glucose which resulted in my blood sugar to spike. (Even showed on the test) and the rest was normal. I also feel like my doctors didn’t give me a day at ALL about treatment. Made me feel guilty for eating food in general. I have been eating lots of healthy and low carb options anyways! I noticed during the first week of doing this blood sugar management when I am stressed my blood sugar is high. Eating rarely affects it. Thoughts?
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With my First Born I had GD… I personally felt controlled too much about what I could or couldn’t eat. So I decided to not overdue it with the carbs/snacks but I still ate what I wanted to. It had 0 effects on my baby. He’s absolutely healthy & same for me. The only thing I strongly encourage is in the hospital make sure they have Glucose Packets on hand. Your blood sugars could & will most likely drop due to them not letting you eat anything but ice…

I would just continue to check your sugars. Eat what you want, watch portion sizes. If something spikes your sugars stay away from eating it again. It is important to track sugars and take insulin if you’re on it. I had it pretty bad. It didn’t matter what I ate my levels did whatever they wanted no matter how much insulin I took. I just monitored and made sure to hydrate and walk every night.

Also! I’d like to add some information to help better explain why I feel this way. My partner and I were told neither of us could have kids. So when we found out we were expecting everything changed. He has even pointed out how often I walk because of work, how well I eat and other factors. He said he trusts my word on it and want me and baby to be happy and healthy. Every fiber in my being is saying I am doing too much harm than good because of all the stress. This isn’t a walk in the park and it’s been really making me hate being pregnant. I used to love it. Idk if this changes anything.

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