What's is everyone doing with LO when you need the toilet.?

Okay so I'm sat here dying for a number 2 and normally I would put her in her bouncer chair and take her with me with a few toys, but over the last few days she has learned to climb out, I can't leave her downstairs alone and my partner works night so he's asleep in our bedroom, I don't have a baby gate yet so can't put her in her bedroom, she won't sit in the high chair unless she's got food infront of her and I don't want to leave her alone whilst she's eating anything, my 11yr old has been off school for Easter for 2 weeks so hes been able to sit with baby whilst I go but now he's back in school and I'm stuck 😂
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I put my girl in her cot with some toys, her bedroom is near the bathroom so we can sing/chat to each other. Sometimes she's OK and sometimes she cries a bit. But I know she's safe...When you got to go, you got to go!

I just leave my boy downstairs 🤷🏼‍♀️ at this point your house should be baby proofed enough to be able to leave your lo for a short while

We have a gate at the top of the stairs so he generally gets free roam while I’m on the toilet. Or if he’s being a menace then I’ll stick him in his cot. Or he’ll just come in the bathroom with me and I shut the door so he can’t escape. When my first was around this age, maybe a little older, she always wanted to sit on my lap 😂

He’s come in with me and plays with his bath toys 😂

I leave my daughter where she is. She’ll just sit and play with her toys. If you’re not comfortable doing that, take her with you and sit her on the floor with some toys. But if you’re uncomfortable then you need to get a stair gate and make sure you’ve baby proofed. You can’t just not go to the toilet.

Cot 😂 I’ve still not baby proofed.

We have a Mamas & Papas Bug chair which we keep on the bathroom floor. Our son will happily sit in there and play for a bit. We put him in it whilst we run his bath too. It can also be strapped to a chair to be used as a high chair

I still put her in the bouncer, when I need to shower too. She generally doesn't like sitting in one place but when it's for a short while, I just strap her in, give her some toys and sing/ talk to her

I put my little boy in his cot

I bring my baby in with me, plop him on the floor with some toys to keep him occupied and he’s fine x

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