Looking for advice, stopping dad from having the kids.

Looking for advice, my sister is currently trying to stop her ex-husband from having the kids of a weekend due to mentally and physically abusive behaviour. I was wondering if anyone could give any tips of how to navigate this situation. He is mentally unstable and I know that if she tells him straight that he is not seeing the kids anymore, that he won’t take it easy-even though he doesn’t actually care to have the kids the fact that she will be telling him that he can’t will make him feel like he wants to go against her. Is there a tactical way that anyone has done this before, we are UK based. Can anyone give advice on how this situation can be navigated?
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First of all I get why she’s worried. It’s wild how much the court always gives the unstable parents more rights. So if I were her, you… I would put a home camera and record all calls and film any sort of situation to prove he’s unstable. Maybe get a private investigator to find out about his day to day and if his home is even fit for the children. She can also get a temporarily restraining order. Are the kids old enough to say they don’t want to be alone with their father or be with him on weekends. I would start making calls to lawyers that deal with custody. does he pay child support? What is the custody situation right now as far and legal and physical custody?

The kids are 7 and 9, there is nothing in fixed place in terms of custody he has them every other weekend but sometimes mentions he is going to turkey for 6 weeks a few days before going (he is Turkish) and so isn’t always consistent with when he has them. They still own the house together but my dad is in the process of buying him out. They have been separated for 3 years he is now re married. He pays no child support just part of the mortgage which he will then be payed out for 🤷🏼‍♀️

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