I Hate the Newborn Phase

It’s such a conundrum that I can love my baby so much yet hate this phase with such a passion. Breastfeeding is so hard, as is being sleep deprived. (My baby spits up constantly and grunts for hours on end. Doc says it’s normal and to give him probiotics.) I have moments of feeling like I just want to run away and never look back but of course never would because of the love for my family. I feel guilty for not being able to be present in the moment without intense frustration and anxiety, and wishing I could fast forward out of this newborn stage. I guess I’m just venting and wonder if anyone else is feeling similarly.
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this phase is very rough for baby and mama. you got this. just know you’re not alone and this too will phase

Newborn phase is not my favorite either. Tired, easily frustrated, overstimulated, sleep deprived, etc. Your feelings are so valid. It’s not easy, but us mamas got this!

I understand. This is my first baby and I love my baby and wouldn't change it. We have been trying to have a baby for 4 years so I feel guilty for feeling bad. But my husband doesn't help much at all and it sucks. I have her 24/7 and I'm exhausted. But he don't even like making a bottle or holding her more than 10 min. I know it's cuz she's a baby and when she gets bigger he will do more

I was just saying I’m ready for the newborn phase to be over , I love it but I don’t . It doesn’t matter how many kids you have , every baby is different but it also seems like they all have some type of issue , gassy , constipated , colic , baby acne etc . And I think we have that instinct to make everything better so not only are we exhausted but low key stressed out about something we can’t fix .

@sha yep I love it too and I don't want her to grow up too fast but I'll be glad when she's out of the newborn phase too.

@Sarah that’s upsetting to hear about your husband. Have you talked to him about why he doesn’t help more?

@sha so true. It’s horrible to feel helpless and like I can’t make everything better. Since that is literally my job as a mom. I prob wouldn’t hate the phase as much if he were an “easier” baby but honestly I’m not sure an easy baby exists 😂

@Sarah yes I’m exhausted mainly because one day we seem to be on the right track and the next day I can’t figure out what his tummy issue is

Yeah I've talked to him. It's a long story...but it's okay it will get better. Just aggravating right now

@sha I understand. We went thru 3 formulas and started prebiotic before her tummy issues got better. It's aggravating for them to not be able to tell us how they feel.

lol there’s easier maybe but definitely not easy 🤣 I have four and when I think about it , none of them have been a walk in the park but when the baby stage is over you miss it so much that you forget all the chaos it came with😩

It’s extra annoying when people say “cherish it while you can it goes by fast” like I’m tryyyying but it’s so hard 😭 Makes me feel guilty af

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