Anyone wanna leave a review on their induction?

It's being recommended to me since I've reached my due date and have a high bmi but I'm nervous about it. My pregnancy has been perfectly normal and healthy and I haven't shown any signs for the things they're worried about. I personally don't think I'm high risk since I'm not unhealthy I'm just overweight due to pcos.
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Hiya if you message me I’ll tell you about it :) x

I have had two inductions both at 40+4. The first was a pictocin drip until my water broke naturally, I got a epidural and things went really smooth he was healthy at just over 7 lbs. Second induction they manually tried breaking my water (somehow didn't fully break it but scratched and scared my son's scalp & forehead) didn't get pictocin until after the water broke to help speed up labor as I was stuck around 3/4 cm dilated. I got an epidural with him but they missed so I ended up getting poked 5 or 6 times before they were comfortable with it. My son was born healthy (with the scarring mentioned earlier) at 7.14 lbs. I did however hemorrhage with the second induction and had to stay in the hospital a bit longer due to that and had some adverse side effects for the first week or so after getting home (high fevers, chills, pain etc).

They scheduled an induction for me 4 days after my due date and my body was not ready so I regret letting them do it. After 2 full days of them trying, I wouldn't let them manually break my water, they finally gave me pictocin drip. I got the epidural when that pain got to be too much and then my water broke a couple of hours later

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