Fucking had enough of BM

So back story, me and my fiancé have been together for years and his BM has always be a straight up cunt. When I had a miscarriage, she mocked us and then when I had my baby last year she started playing the guilt card saying “old child out, new one in” My SS is 11 and I adore him so much, we have such a good relationship, as he does with his sister (8months). But BM is constantly slagging me off, whether it’s to him or my fiancé saying I don’t do enough. When I’m the fucking one who does dinner and takes care of him? it’s purely now on the fact I don’t wanna take my 8M out early mornings to drop SS to school which is an hour and half away? Am I being unreasonable to not want to go on long journeys? To not want to be stuck in traffic? For years I’ve said about mediation, court - to get something into place because when BM doesn’t get her own way she’ll be like “ok ur not seeing him” but my fiancé always and I mean always brushes it off. I get the classic “oh just ignore it”, “oh she’s just trying to come between us”. It’s at the point that I’m so fucking fed up of being berated, slagged off when the girl wouldn’t even say anything to me face to face and my apparent fiancé can’t stand up to her. To add, she has been in a relationship for years also. At first I thought it was jealously, but now an apparent power struggle?! What the hell can I do? I’m so fed up. So so fed up. Internally screaming 🥲
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Not much advice here because unless you go to court (which your fiancé would have to do and be 100% up for it and willing to put up a fight) there isn’t much you can do.. all I will say is kids are smart, if you have a great relationship with your step son just carry on knowing you’re being the bigger person , he will work it out who the problem is! You are not unreasonable for not doing the school run.. I don’t do it when we have my step son as it’s just over a hour round trip and I’m not dragging my 1 year old and 8 week old out for it. As hard as it is to not take it personally you do just have to ignore it. Make sure you are your fiancé are talking loads and vent to him. But I 100% get your frustration! My step son is 5 and I’m already getting ‘mummy said you’re a fat B****’ and ‘I don’t have to listen to you, I can do what I want my mummy says’ at 5! Just keep your head up,. Vent at anyone you trust ! Being a step parent is hard your step son will work out who’s the problem!

Just ignore he and do what's best for you and your family (including SS). She looks like the bitter one. If you don't want to donthe 1.5 hour drop off don't do it. Your fiancé can do it. Your step son is still getting to school 🤷🏻‍♀️

Honestly the best thing you can do though is ignore her, it sounds like she is jealous and wants a rise out of you. The fact that she puts so much time into talking shit about you is embarrassing for her. I think if she says anything to your Fiance about you, he should respond by simply saying ‘don’t talk about my partner’ and leave it at that, arguing with her won’t make any difference! Also youre not wrong for not doing the school run, he has a Dad that can do it and you have a baby to consider

It's jealousy, she doesn't like that you are a parental figure to her kid and that you have a good relationship with someone she had a failed relationship with. We have the same! It's pathetic. I refuse to deal with the immaturity and all communication is between mum and dad. I stay out of communication and arrangements. When they are with their dad I do alot for and with them and I'm sure they enjoy it. Both used to say they weren't allowed to like me or see me and their mum doesn't like me etc. just said sorry I don't know your mum, you can make your own opinion. When they say bad things about their mum we always reinforce that their mum loves them. Partner sounds afraid to loose contact and happy to carry on as is. I'd leave the driving to school and making arrangements solely to him. And just support SS and enjoy time with him when you are able to. Sounds harsh but sometimes you have to care a bit less for your sanity. If SS comes over that's great, if she stops it, you just carry on with plans.

Even if you go to court and get an order it wont change her personality. Please don’t think a court order will solve anything some ex’s are just bitter

It’s soo hard to ignore but it’s for the best, is there anyway your partner can start work later on school days he has his ss, maybe make it up on the time he doesn’t have him? Or stay later if you’re happy to do the pick ups? My ss mum likes to try think she has power over us still, it’s been 5years and she gets more pissed off the less we retaliate to her bs, but that’s her problem not ours. Xx

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