Baby not sleeping

Is anyone else having major issues with their baby’s sleep schedule? EVERY single night my baby is up for 2 hours straight. I’ll soothe him, I’ll feed him, I’ll rock him, and after I’ve tried everything else I’ll let him cry it out for a bit. It seems like he’s lost all his self soothing skills ever since he learned how to stand in the crib. The second he wakes up, he stands up and starts crying. I’ve tried to mess around with his day schedule and I always make sure he gets a long nursing session before going down for the night. It’s beyond frustrating & almost starting to feel like the newborn stage again 😭
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Yes ma’am! My little girl will be 10mo on the 20th and I’m sure she’s going through a leap right now. I have work today from 7-1:30 and she finally just fell back asleep after being up since 3:15 😪 she is trying to learn how to walk so I’m sure that’s affecting her sleep right now. Up until 2 days ago she would sleep for 10/12 hrs straight through the night. We are all dead a little inside right now from lack of solid sleep 😂

Yesss my girl is up for 1-2 hours in the middle of the night like she’s ready to party. This is worse then the newborn stage she used to sleep soooo good 😩😩

Mine isn’t waking for long periods but more often than he did as a newborn. Every 2 hours and last night every hour after 2 or 3 🫠

Yeah - no suggestions but just solidarity! He was a great sleeper till about 5 months and went from sleeping through the night to waking up 1-2 times every night. Some nights he doesn’t even make it till midnight! Wtf I’m dying 😫🫠

It’s a sleep regression mamas. When he wakes up for that 2 hour period let him out to play and run off the energy. Sometimes babies just don’t want to sleep or can’t sleep.

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