Terrible 2’s

My daughter attends daycare 5 days a week 8:30 am to 4pm and lately her teacher has been giving me reports like she isn’t listening she is getting angry at her self sometimes hitting her self and not playing outside with others! Which is weird because she is always so happy! Her teacher says when she asks her to do something she cry’s and says all she wants is her mama! Nothing has changed at home and she has never been this way before she has attended daycare for 2.5 years and sudden within the last two weeks! Dose anyone have suggestions on what I could do. Her teacher wants to put her in OT therapy which I’m down but I just don’t know is any other two year-old talking this way?
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Sometimes kids get overstimulated at daycare and by being away so much from mama. How old is she? Maybe if you can take a day just the two of you just so she can have some special time with you if possible I know it can be hard sometimes. How many kids go to her school and are in her class? And has she been with the same teacher since she started. You can DM if you want too I’m early childhood teacher.

Yeah we have Saturday and Sunday just me and her I just afford to take any time off! And she has 6 other kids in her class and she is 2 almost 3

It could just be here trying to get attention but maybe see why kind of options they have for her it never hurts to see if she could little extra help sometimes

Woah! Very strange.. especially if you haven’t seen that behavior at home. What does your daughter say about daycare? Is she able to vocalize her feelings about daycare/workers/and the other kids?

She seems to like daycare when I ask her! I’ve took her tablet away and the past couple days I’ve seen a big difference!

Baby she’s 2 and she’s navigating her own way and things that’s she’s learning may scare her a bit… my son now almost 3 calls mommmmmyyy when his feelings are hurt and now she’s more sensitive but he’s rough in school.. their learning and as long as she’s taught when something is good and bad she’s gonna be so different once she’s 3 take ur time and work with her and her feelings

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