
Can I ask what everyone’s routines are at the moment? Mostly what time do you give your LO dinner? Mine still has a bottle before bed and I want to wean off this but I think I’m giving dinner tooo early so he’s hungry later! Just seeing what everyone else is doing at the moment ☺️☺️
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We do wake at 7am breakfast at 8am Lunch 11:30 Nap 12:30 Dinner 4:30 With a few snacks in between Bed at 7pm

Mostly wing it tbh😂 wake up usually between 8-9am although it seems to be getting earlier and earlier recently, breakfast between 9-10 then play time for most of the morning if we’re not going out with some ms Rachel if I have stuff to get done. Then lunch between 12-1 and again if no plans we’ll just play etc, sometimes we’ll go to the park, really need to find more things to do with her. Then nap time around 2ish depending on what time she woke up in the morning, that can be anything up to 2 hours. Then she’ll have a snack when she wakes up and then we won’t have tea until 6 ish but she doesn’t go to bed until about 8pm. She’s not really interested in milk so just try to give her things with calcium more in the day

We don't really follow a routine or scjedule, we just go off babe. Sometimes this means hardly anything to maybe 4 snacks and 4 meals a day 🤣 If she's not eaten much I try to offer an extra snack before her bottle for bed but not always and all depends on her and her cues and whether she asks or not (she can signs and asked for food, water or milk, but only drinks 1 bottle of formula for bed) They can need a night feed before bed or during for a lot longer yet, so u wouldn't worry about weaning it before they're ready personally. Many adults still like something warm or milky before bed to help sleep, there's no harm in them having it forever, but often 3-5 is a typical age to need it too as well xx

Mine still has 2 bottles a day, one first thing then one before bed, I think it’s something they’ll wean themselves off of at this age, he’d tell you if he didn’t want it so I wouldn’t worry and if it’s working for you all that’s all that matters 😘 We give dinner around 4:30 because she has lunch at 11:30 before her nap with a snack when she wakes xx

Thank you all!! That really helps ☺️☺️

She has 2 different routines. One for nursery and one for at home. On days at home she usually wakes around half 7ish Breakfast straight away Mid morning snack around 10 12ish Lunch Nap Snack around 15.00 or when wakes 17.00 Tea She goes up for stories at 18.45 with a veiw to being in the cot by 19.00 She doesn't drink any milk at all now, not even cows milk. She was refusing it so we stopped offering. Most mornings we go out after breakfast, sometimes stay out for lunch as well depends how I'm feeling as she likes to be out of the house. Sometimes she'll have her nap in the pushchair while walking, most of the time we come home for it

Tea usually around 5.30-6 then super around 8 he goes bed 9

Between 330-430 we give her supper then at 7 we give her 4-5 tablespoons of warm baby cereal with some puree fruit package

6am-wake 0615- milk 0630- out of bed to start playing 0700- breakfast Play time 1000- fruit and out the door if we have things to do or park/playgrouo 1130- nap time at home 1300- wake up and have lunch Play/tv/ruin my house 1500- snack 1700- dinner 1800- bath time 1900-1930- bedtime And wake up numerous times a night 🙃

My boys (28 months and 16 months) both awake for 7ish breakfast at 7:30ish snack around 9/10 nap 11:30 - 1/1:30ish lunch as soon as there eyes open or all bell breaks loose, snack about 3, dinner at 5/5:30, bath around 6ish and they each have a bottle eldest has 270ml soya milk (lactose) and youngest has 240ml neutragemin (allergies)

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