In a pickle about maternity leave

Hi all, I’ve had a scan at 30 weeks (I have one every two weeks) but twin1 has dropped to 3 percentile from 10th. Which the doctor said is not too worrying and we are going to take it one scan at a time but I can’t help but think about her movements and worry all the time. I had to take two days of work as I couldn’t sleep at night and it was impacting me quite a lot this last week. I feel like I should start maternity from Monday but feel guilty to only give my employer one day notice. I was meant to go on maternity from 1st of May. My partner is very supportive and said if it will help me to rest more and keep healthy then I should definitely ask to leave on Monday. There is no question in that I think I just need some opinions if possible. To perhaps overcome the guilt which is probably not totally reasonable as the babies should be my number 1 priority right now.
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I think as it’s only a couple of weeks it should be fine, you know your body best and it’s definitely important to rest as much as you can beforehand!

I think you know the right answer is to do what is right for you and your babies. Can you talk to your employer you never know they might be totally understanding! Also well done for making it this far at work I’m finding work really hard and I’m only carrying one baby! X

I’m not sure how your job works but can you take time off as sick instead before 1st May. I’m just wondering if you take maternity without much notice, could there be any issues with HR messing up your mat payments? and also you having to come back to work earlier after mat leave. Just an option. I completely get why you want to go off work though. I’m struggling a bit with something similar as baby is measuring at 9th percentile so it’s been making me feel anxious and sometimes it’s hard to work. Just do what’s right for you and your babies xx

Could you get a sick line from doctor for the next few weeks to cover you and then you can officially start your Mat leave in May as planned? It's only a few weeks really there's nothing your employer can do and at the end of the day your mental health and baby come first so do whatever is best for yous ♥

You can self certify for a week and then get a doctors note extending your time at home. Listen to your body xxx

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