Let’s get this straight😑

In my last post……Yes, I have some anger with my ex-boyfriend after he decided to ghost me and his child. Yes, I chased him. Yes I turned into a bit of a stalker and I admit that I backed off I’m going to let nature take its course now and personally he’s going to get what is coming to him because Karma is a bitch.
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He’ll get what he deserves! Can’t run forever

@Kashani yeah ghosting somebody who has your physical home address is crazy, but I’m not gonna pop it’s house

Girlie I had a similar situation with my ex from years ago- I was so hurt by his ghosting me that I chased the hell out of him for months and months. Then I forced myself to stop. It was hard as hell and I thought about him all the time. Well. Then I met a really amazing man (my now husband) who was willing to fully commit to me and love me like crazy. Then guess who comes calling? My ex 😂 wanting to know if I was single and if he could make up for the hurt he caused. If you move on and work on yourself they ALWAYS come crawling back eventually when they see you shining ✨. Now of course it’s different with a baby, but if I were you I’d just figure out how you want him involved with the child, act legally so that baby can have a plan with father. Then work on yourself. He will eventually return OR you’ll find someone who values you and won’t run like a little boy from responsibility. Wishing you the best mama 🩷

@Claire I needed this🩷✨

You got this. We all fall for immature man babies at one time or another 😂 we just have to heal ourselves so we only attract healthy commitment men. You can do this 🩷 I’d seek out pregnancy groups near you so you can have some support if he continues to let you down.

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