I'm so mad

My 6 month old has had a 102-103⁰ fever for over 72 hours, along with vomiting and non stop diarrhea and a cough. I've brought him to the children's ER twice now and both times they give him tylenol and tell me to go home (like I haven't thought of that?!) And they said if the fever continues for 5 days to bring him back but it's been 3 days with no improvement.. I'm gonna bring him to another ER tonight and hopefully they'll do something helpful. He tested negative for COVID, RSV, FLU A AND B so idk what's going on with him
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I know it could be frustrating and worrisome when your baby is not feeling well. It could be a bug my toddler had the same symptoms and had nothing in his test to show for it. I just kept giving him Tylenol and lots of fluid. Unfortunately you’re baby is to young for Motrin? Maybe check with the doctor sometimes doing 6 hrs gap of Tylenol and Motrin helps. I hope you’re baby feels better soon. Keep your baby cool and hydrated. 🫶🏾🫶🏾

At 6 months you can give children's Motrin. I just checked my bottle! Cycling between the two helps to keep a fever from spiking again. Here is a good example on exactly how to do this safely. https://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/article?contentid=3260&language=english Wish your LO a quick recover 🩵

Sorry I should have clarified I have been giving tyelnol and motrin Opposite of each other in one milliliter of zofran, every eight hours and nothing's made a difference

My son had these exact symptoms and it was strept. Although rare in babies it happens! Especially if they go to a daycare. Or are around school age children

Food poisoning?? He eat any food food yet? Anything that might have a recall?

We got a diagnosis!!! It's bronchitis

My son was 1.5 when he had those symptoms and turned out to have strep throat but we only found out after he had a febrile seizure and was taken to the ER in an ambulance. The first year is so frustrating. My son got sick so often and it was 2020 (he was born march 2020) and no doctor wanted to see us because Covid so I kept calling the doc about symptoms and they would say the same thing. Bc they can’t give babies antibiotics it’s really bad for them unless like EXTREMELY necessary. So I know it can be super super frustrating and you just want to help you baby as much as you can, but just keep bringing fever down w medicine if they seem uncomfy, I believe baby can take pedialyte at that age since they’re losing a lot of fluids but check with ur ped. Keep feeding them, try offering bland crackers or banana or applesauce to help w the vomit and diarrhea. Trust me usually by day 4 or 5 my son’s symptoms would’ve cleared up if not improved by then. MSG me if u need anything 😊

@Cris no she can give him Mortin he’s 6 months

Just keep fluids max even though vomiting and pooping keep milk milk milk

The doctor I saw tonight told me to give him coconut milk

@Callan Long glad you got a diagnosis at least. I can imagine your frustration.

@Angel yeah there was a question mark to that statement wasn’t sure.. but thank you 😊

Teathing can cause fever too

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