
Any mom vlog their days on Facebook, instagram, or TikTok and get paid? If so, how did you get started?
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I use to until Instagram stopped with the reels bonus. Now I do digital marketing and make more doing that all while being a stay at home mom.

@Jessica What is digital marketing? How did you get started in it?

I would also like some info on the digital marketing @Jessica

I just started vlogging on tt like 2 days ago and only have one video posted 😂 but I’ve been working on our following @Devoney

I'm on tik tok with my baby ,going to be doing live cooking show and selling homemade treats on there in the next few weeks currently setting everything up Trying to build our following on face book Instagram and tiktok currently trying to reach 1000, think we have 100 😅💃✨️ all support appreciated Look for Cooking with Arthane

@Jessica hooow so u get paid to blog ur baby

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