Losing my Mind

I am losing my mind. Being a mom wasn’t really ever on my list of things to do but now I am one. I told my fiancé from day one I wasn’t cut out for this but he wanted to keep the baby. So now we are six weeks in and I am not okay. Days are fine but my lo just screams and cries from 8:30 till whenever she falls asleep. I dont know what to do anymore. I literally break down crying and I want to just put my baby down and walk away. I’ve tried everything she’s fine during the day only really cries when she’s hungry. But at night she just screams like she’s in pain getting super stiff and kicking a lot. I don’t know what to do anymore.
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Hey, hang in there. Feel free to dm if you need to chat ❤️

My daughter was like that from 10pm to 5am every night for months. It made me insane. I ended up with horrible postpartum mental illness. Can you take shifts with your partner at night. At the least you need a 4 hour break. Give yourself a sleep cycle each. It made a huge difference for me. It makes sense why you would feel bad.

Hey girl! This is actually really common to normal and its called purple crying. My cousin would call it "witching hour" for her son because he would usually do the same thing from 330am for about 2 hours. My daughter did it at around the same time and would go for an hour or two. It's really tough but they do get past. You're doing your absolute best and that's what you need to keep in mind. I'm here to talk if you ever need to

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