Wanting to stop breastfeeding

I think I have come to a point where I would like to stop breastfeeding. I have EBF since birth and I would like to stop now but I just don’t know how. My son won’t take milk in a bottle so I’m not sure how we would do it. He isn’t a big eater as he always wants to breastfeed. Please give me tips!
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He won't be hungry if he's always breastfeeding so once you start to reduce that his hunger will increase too You could start giving milk or water in a cup for drinks rather than a breastfeed

He enjoys drinking water from his cup. He will have his meal and drink water but as soon as i sit down he just wants me to feed him.

Same here, my boy happily drinks water from a cup, but put any kind of milk in and he’s furious. Following for tips!

As he is almost 1 you don’t need to give him an alternative. He doesn’t need to drink cows milk. Just make sure he is having yoghurt/ cheese/ milk on cereal for his calcium intake

Hey! I am in a similar situation, have EBF until now in addition to solid meals. Key is to gradually replace feeds with solid meals (no need to introduce formula now). My baby was on 3 meals and 5 feeds in 24h. First thing I dropped was the feed after lunch (should have done that ages ago) as babies at this age don't usually need both. One week later I added a 4th meal/snack at mid morning and as soon as I started that I stopped the mid morning feed. Again 4 weeks later I will introduce an afternoon snack which then replaces the afternoon feed. This will leavr me just with the morning and bedtime feed which I'll keep a bit longer. If you want to stop altogether you can do that as I assume your baby already eats breakfast and dinner.. It's just important to do it all gradually so your body can adjust. My daughter also used to be a bad eater but her appetite definitely increased since I stopped the additional feeds.. it's been a very smooth process so far and I'm really enjoying the new freedom 😊 good luck

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