Can I get pregnant

Can I get pregnant I’m 2 months postpartum and I’m only breastfeeding for 5 min on each breast
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Yes you can get pregnant


Yes you're more fertile postpartum, but depending on what kind of birth you had some professionals usually recommend to wait at least 6-12months.

My doctor said if you feed every 3 hours or less then technically you should be still covered by the hormones that are released, but if you go over that then that's where it's risky. But I got a depo shot anyway, as baby goes for longer stretches at night

@Ekaterina your doctor sounds like a quack. Breastfeeding is absolutely not birth control and whether you feed every 2 hours or every 4, it’s still not a birth control method. You can ovulate before your period comes back too, so I’d be curious as to what your doctor would say about that? Anyways, please nobody rely on breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy. Honestly this reminds me of my history teacher in high school that told a student that you can’t get pregnant standing up in the shower… that student ended up pregnant from shower sex because “you can’t get pregnant standing up”…. 🙃


Yes I was told u have a higher risk becoming pregnant when ur breast feeding because your more fertile

@Brittany just read on hormones and their function. You should also use common sense along with any advise you get. And was absolutely not advising this method.

@Ekaterina you can site the hormones all you want but women get pregnant all the time doing that. Again, it’s not a birth control method.

@Brittany all contraceptions are are hormones, apart from condoms. And nothing is 100%


@Ekaterina yo stop comparing breastfeeding to actual birth control. Yes, it’s hormones but nothing your body does naturally is comparable to actual birth control when it comes to preventing a child. Again, your doctor is a quack and I’m seriously convinced he’s got you a little quacky too now since you’ve been going to him so long and trust every single word out of his mouth. Reminds me of drivers education when the 60 year old teacher said to our class that your checking blind spots is a thing of the past now that these new cars have “fancy mirrors” 🙄 old & “experienced” doesn’t automatically mean they’re right

@Brittany yeah yeah you're the smartest one alive 😘

@Ekaterina I’ve made zero claims on this post. Simply told you the truth.

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