Baby really fussy in the evening!

Not sure if anyone has experienced similar or has any advice - I’m exclusively breastfeeding my daughter who is 6 weeks now and we’ve never had any problems with latching etc. Recently, during the evening she’s becoming really fussy/frustrated and showing her usual hunger cues, she’ll latch on for a couple of minutes and calm down but then she’ll come off and get frustrated again. I burp her and then swap sides which seems to help for a short time before she comes off again.. I’m a bit concerned that it could be signs that my supply is dropping!
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Super common for babies to be really unsettled during the evenings - it’s called the witching hour for some reason. Happened with both of my babies! Only thing that has worked for us is getting her in a carrier and out for a walk around 6/7, seems to settle her for long enough to then have a good evening. Either that or a bath always calms her down!

@Lisa ahh good idea! Thank you ☺️

My baby was the same and I started topping up with formula (always offering breast first) and she's so much more settled in the evening now. She has a bottle at 4 and one at 8.30 and she normally sleeps straight after both!

Our daughter is also 6 weeks and we have very similar episodes atm She's also EBF and last few nights by 7pm just screams on and off constantly. Last night I ended up taking her to to bed at 8pm to settle her but she fussed most of the night making noises etc and been up since 5am for the day 🙈 I think they have a growth spurt at 6 weeks too which may be adding to the issue of general baby behaviour on an evening. It's hard work..x

My little girl is 6 weeks too at the minute and we are having the same issue. I am exclusively breastfeeding too, she just seems to be so fussy on the breast but is showing the signs of hunger and trying to latch but just bouncing her head her on and off my breast. It is super tiring and really struggling.

This is normal, sounds like she is trying to up your supply as there is a growth spurt around this time. Just keep letting her latch, maybe try skin to skin. As long as nappy output is still good you know she’s getting enough x

Like another person said she could be upping your supply. Supplementing with formula will just make your supply even less. Hang in there! If she had enough wet and dirty nappies then don’t worry about your supply. Another person said about the witching hour. I find this too! It’s not an easy time when usually breastfeeding settles them. You just need to go through the motions and cycle through everything until they settle - feed, burp, change, tummy time, stimulation xx

Thanks everyone, this is all really useful! ☺️ I think I’ll just keep persevering and hope it’s just a phase🤞🏻

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