Fellow Nursing Big booby moms!

My fellow big booby moms, do you feel like nursing is all about holding your boob to not suffocate your baby than holding your baby !? 😭😭 I’m so lowkey jealous of moms with smaller breasts. Mine are humongous right now 😪 and my fingers hurt doing the freaking ‘C’ hold or scissor hold for hours..
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Same in order to feed I have to sit a certain way so she can lay in my legs and both hands are free to hold my boob. I can’t use a nursing pillow and no position is comfortable.

Same here my boobs are the reason I stopped breast feeding 😭 it was so uncomfortable for me and my baby we both struggled. It made me hate my size. I just exclusively pump now and that’s been a lot better mentally

I had this concern with my first and the LC I had in the hospital actually told me that babies are born with their noses upturned so that they can't suffocate

Its also a game of angles. Make sure their chins arent too far down. Might mean shift their body towards their feet a little so their head upturns just a bit. I was told all you need is a little of one nostril open.

Yes! Even pumping is hard because I have to like sandwich my boob into the flange to get my nipples in far enough 🙄

Omg I’ve found my people I thought I was alone but I literally have to hold my sons head and cup under my boob while squeezing so that he can at least breathe out his nose but I still feel like he doesn’t get enough air cause he sucks it and has to take breaks to breathe lol then it starts spraying everywhere

I lasted 1 week with breastfeeding. My boobs were already huge before I got pregnant (bra size already DDD) after having my son they grew so much bigger. It was very frustrating trying to maneuver my boob and his head. So I tried exclusively pumping and no flange would stay attached long enough to pump a full session. The whole process was very draining mentally and I found myself crying every pump session.

Size double D…never suffocated my child. How big we talking? Because I didn’t have to hold my boob either 😭 maybe it’s the angles? How are you breastfeeding? But anyway, you have to find what’s condo for you and baby. Maybe laying down? Football? Ideas

At least an H cup over here (I haven’t been measured in a long time) and the only position we can do is football 🥴 told my husband I hate my boobs. It’s the worst!

@Anonymous 38f or g over here dosnt help that I’m 4’11” so my torso is super short

Yess I felt the same way!! My little one wouldn’t latch so we’re no longer Breast Feeding

Oops I meant comfortable. Hard texting while holding all my kids. Ouch. I’m 5’0”. Yours are bigger. I wish I could help but a nurse did say moms with bigger boobs hold their breasts. I wish I could help more than I know. I would do what the other helpful mamas saying . I’d say do the football position 💜

DD before having my baby I usually lay her on her side across the boppy pillow or do the football hold both work great for me. It was super nerve wracking in the beginning but the best thing the lactation specialist told me was if baby is sucking they are breathing so don’t panic too much. You got this mama. 👊🏻🤍

I only wear a C. I feel like I still have to hold it, due to covering her nose, also trying to make it easier for her to hold in her mouth. It’s exhausting 🥹

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